1000字范文 > actto actto笔记本电脑支架

actto actto笔记本电脑支架

时间:2023-10-28 03:37:52


actto actto笔记本电脑支架

Elephants to be moved to Africa wild


An entire group of elephants from a British zoo will be released into the wild in Africa. This action is praised as “the world first”.


The 13 elephants live at an animal park in Kent, southern England, and will be flown more than 7,000 kilometers to Africa, according to a press release from an animal conservation charity.

根据动物保护慈善机构的一份新闻稿,这13头大象现在生活在英格兰南部肯特郡的一个动物公园,它们将被空运到距离7,000 多公里的非洲。

None of the animals have ever lived in the wild. It will be a big challenge for them and for the researchers who have been preparing them for a new environment.


It will be the first time that a group of elephants is "rewilded" in the world, organizers say. The charity said that it hopes the project will discourage the global trade in elephants and encourage the return of animals to the wild where possible, adding that no elephants belong to human beings.



英 [ɪnˈtaɪə(r)] 美 [ɪnˈtaɪər]

adj. 全部的,整个的;全体的

the whole of something



英 [preɪz] 美 [preɪz]

v. 赞扬;(尤指唱歌)歌颂(上帝)

n. 赞扬,称赞;(对上帝的)颂扬;崇拜

近义短语:speak highly of

3. fly-flew-flown 飞往


英 [ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn] 美 [ˌkɑːnsərˈveɪʃn]

n. 保存,保持;保护

saving and protecting (the environment)

water conservation 节约用水,水源保护

animal conservation charity 动物护慈善机构

5. discourage

英 [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ] 美 [dɪsˈkɜːrɪdʒ]

vt. 阻止;使气馁

discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

反义词:encourage 鼓励


英国广播公司(BBC)官网10月7日报道:乌克兰总统泽连斯基说,俄罗斯官员已经开始为可能使用核武器“做社会上的准备”,但他续说,他”不确信俄罗斯已准备好使用核武器”(but added he does not believe Russia is ready to use them)。

在接受BBC采访时,泽连斯基否认曾敦促对俄罗斯进行打击,表示早些时候的一句话被误译了。他说:“你必须使用预防性踢法”,他指的是“制裁”而不是“打击”("You must use preventive kicks," he said, referring to sanctions, "not attacks")。

泽连斯基在基辅的总统办公室用英语说:“他们开始为社会做准备。这很危险。他们还没有准备好去做、去使用它(指核弹—译者注),但他们开始沟通,他们不知道是要不要使用它。我认为,即便是讨论它也是危险的”(Speaking in English at the president's office in Kyiv, President Zelensky said: "They begin to prepare their society. That's very dangerous. They are not ready to do it, to use it. But they begin to communicate. They don't know whether they'll use or not use it. I think it's dangerous to even speak about it.")。






报道说,在西方提供的尖端武器的支持下,乌军在东部和南部取得了重大进展,甚至在克里姆林宫声称的、现在“属于俄罗斯的地区”,也夺回了一些城镇和村庄。泽连斯基表示,俄军正在进行“全力战斗”(Russian forces were putting up a "good enough fight"),但乌克兰也收到了武器,“尽管我不会说我们现在有足够的武器,但士兵们被激励着向前推进”。

他还说:“普京害怕的一切,不是核打击,而是他的社会,害怕他的人民。因为现在只有这些人才能取代他,夺走他的权力,让给别人”。当被问及“普京总统能否在乌克兰最终赢得战争中幸存下来”时,他说:“我不在乎”(“Everything Putin is afraid of, and it's not the nuclear hit, he is afraid of his community," he said. He's afraid of his people. Because only those people are capable of replacing him nowadays. Take away his power. Give it to someone else." Asked whether President Putin could survive in an eventual Ukrainian win in the war, he said: "I don't care.")。

报道的原标题是《Ukraine war: World must act now to stop Russia nuclear threat - Zelensky》(乌克兰战争:世界必须立即采取行动制止俄罗斯的核威胁——泽连斯基)。









pose这个词,意思为“摆姿势”,它作为词根的意思是“put”摆放的意思。因此我们知道“oppose, propose, dispose, expose, impose, compose”等都和“put”摆放相关,这样记忆这些单词就变得容易多了。

如果知道act=to do,to drive“做、干、驱动”那么记忆act,action,actor,actress, active ,activity, activate, actual, exact, reactor,interact,transaction等就非常简单了。

Two new Vocabulary words of the day!!


Disrespect ~ Spew

1. Disrespect ~ n. Todisrespectsomeone is to act in an insulting way toward them. When youdisrespectpeople, you think very little of them. Disrespectis all about not showingrespect. Actually, it's about showing the opposite of respect, by acting rude, impolite, and offensive. Talking back to your teacher is showing disrespect for her authority. Not giving up your seat to an elderly person is an act of disrespect. So is ignoring the customs and culture in a foreign country. The slang abbreviation'dis'comes fromdisrespectand means the same thing.

2. Spew ~ v. Tospewis to forcefully expel something, the way a volcanospewshot lava when it erupts, or the way you mightspewsoda from your mouth if your friend makes you laugh right after you take a big gulp. You might see steam spew from the factory near your house or watch a city bus spew smoke from its exhaust pipe. Figuratively, and more common, tospewcan also mean "to say ugly or hateful things," Spew negativity. The Old English source ofspewisspiwan("to spit") and comes from a root that probably imitated the sound of someone spitting.

1... (a) You'll soon find out if you disrespect a strong woman, you'll never get the chance to do it twice. (b) I won't stand by while you disrespect your teacher and take her for granted.(c) I don't mean to show you any disrespect, but you are totally wrong on your assessment of what's going on here.

2... (a) The elephant gathered a great deal of water in its trunk so it could spew it at its offspring and help the baby clean itself.(b) The geysers in Yellowstone National Park will sporadically spew out streams of steaming water from below the surface.(c) CNN news will often spew out stories that they know are not true, to try and get more viewers, but soon find out they get even fewer because of it.

We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.

我们从未真正长大,我们只是在别人面前学会了假装。 ​​​

The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.#我们一起学英语##英语##微头条日签#

Reading for today, a short news story... World News for Students of English

First Aid in Acid Attack


Acid attacks are on the rise in the UK. This could be because people can easily buy an acid unlike a large knife or a gun. It is legal to keep acid andpenaltiesfor an acid attack can be lighter, as well. This is also very serious in India, where young girls are attacked with acid.

Acid burns are extremely painful and leave thevictimscarred for life. One video on the Internet shows what to do if youwitnessan acid attack. It is very important to act quickly to water down the acid. Get as much as 60 liters of water. Avoid dirty water, which can spread infection.

Remove all jewelry and clothing that had contact with the acid and keep washing the victim for up to 45 minutes until the burning sensation stops. Do not apply any kind of cream to the affected area and get the victim to a hospital burns unit.

Difficult words:penalty(a punishment for doing something illegal),victim(a person who is attacked),witness(a person who sees a crime).


美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)官网5月24日报道:对德克萨斯州学校枪击案,拜登总统星期二晚上在白宫发表动情的讲话(in emotional remarks),他说:“我曾希望当我成为总统时,我不会再这样做了”(“I had hoped when I became President I would not have to do this again.”)。



他说:“我已经厌倦了。我们必须采取行动。不要告诉我我们不能对这场大屠杀产生影响”,他问道:“我们为什么一直会让这种事情发生?”("I am sick and tired of it. We have to act. And don't tell me we can't have an impact on this carnage," the President said, asking: “Why do we keep letting this happen?")。


在CNN另一篇报导中,佛罗里达州帕克兰市马乔里·道格拉斯高中枪击案的幸存者卡梅伦·卡斯基(Cameron Kasky),则批评拜登对周二德克萨斯州乌瓦尔德一所小学枪击案的反应。





报道的原标题是《Biden's speech was "essentially, thoughts and prayers," Parkland shooting survivor says》(帕克兰枪击案幸存者说,拜登的演讲“基本上是想法和祈祷”)。

【翻译词汇_法律】 policies and practices 政策及惯例;an offer to sell 出售要约;Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act 美国《证券法》S规例 #法律翻译# #英语# #恒致翻译#

Public speaking is the act of speaking to a large group of people in a highly organized manner.


People all agree that knowing the art of public speaking is very important in life.


The ability to speak confidently and convincingly in public will not only make you stand out while in the university , but also enable you to take an active role in your workplace and community in the future.


There are many occasions where you will likely be asked to give a speech, such as in a classroom presentation, at school meetings, graduation ceremonies, awards ceremonies, receptions, or wedding parties and so on.


Public speaking often involves two major stages of work: preparation and delivering.

公开演讲通常包括两个主要的阶段: 准备阶段和演讲阶段。

As for the preparation, you should start with an audience analysis and decide on a speech topic and purpose.


The more you know and understand about your audience, the better you will choose a topic and prepare the speech.


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