1000字范文 > heic图片格式转换jpg_如何在Mac上通过简单方法将HEIC图像转换为JPG


时间:2020-07-26 10:25:36




Apple started using the HEIC image format with iOS 11. It’s preferred over the incumbent JPG becauseof its smaller file sizes, and it’s also made its way to the Mac. HEIC can cause problems for some apps. Here’s how to easily convert HEIC files to JPG.

苹果公司开始在iOS 11上使用HEIC图像格式。由于文件较小,它比现有的JPG格式更受青睐,并且也已经在Mac中使用。 HEIC可能会导致某些应用程序出现问题。 这是将HEIC文件轻松转换为JPG的方法。

If you live your life on iOS, then the chances are pretty good that you never really know when an image is in the HEIC or JPG formats because, for the most part, it doesn’t matter. However, when you start sharing images or saving them to your Mac for future use, you might want them in a more common format. That tends to happen most on a Mac, so wouldn’t it be great if there was a quick and easy way to convert any number of HEIC format images into JPG? If you don’t mind getting your hands a little dirty with Automator,a quick and easy way you shall have.

如果您在iOS上生活,那么很有可能永远不会真正知道图像是HEIC还是JPG格式,因为在大多数情况下,这无关紧要。 但是,当您开始共享图像或将其保存到Mac以供将来使用时,您可能希望它们使用更常见的格式。 这通常在Mac上最常见,因此,如果有一种快速简便的方法可以将任意数量的HEIC格式的图像转换为JPG,不是很好吗? 如果您不介意使用Automator使您的手有点脏,那么您将可以快速而轻松地进行操作。

Let’s get started.


设置快速操作 (Setting up the Quick Action)

Launch Automator on your Mac—it’s in your Applications folder, or you can use Spotlight to search for it—and then click “New Document.”


Next, from the list of templates, click “Quick Action,” followed by “Choose.”


Over on the left side of the screen, type “copy finder” into the search box and then drag “Copy Finder Items” to the right-hand side of the screen. Here, you can then select the folder to which you want to save the converted images.

在屏幕左侧的搜索框中,键入“ copy finder”,然后将“ Copy Finder Items”拖到屏幕的右侧。 然后,您可以在此处选择要将转换后的图像保存到的文件夹。

If you want to convert the HEIC image without creating a copy on the desktop, just omit the “Copy Finder Items” step. Automator then will create a converted copy in the same folder as the original HEIC file.

如果要转换HEIC图像而不在桌面上创建副本,则只需省略“ Copy Finder Items”步骤。 然后,Automator将在原始HEIC文件所在的文件夹中创建转换后的副本。

Back on the left side of the screen, type “change type” into the search box and then drag “Change Type of Images” to the right-hand side of the screen. There is a drop-down here, too. Change that to “JPEG.”

返回屏幕左侧,在搜索框中键入“更改类型”,然后将“更改图像类型”拖到屏幕右侧。 这里也有一个下拉菜单。 将其更改为“ JPEG”。

In the menu bar, click File > Save and then enter a name for your quick action.


Finally,click “Save” to complete the process.


使用快速操作将HEIC图像转换为JPG (Using the Quick Action to convert HEIC images to JPG)

To use your new Quick Action, right-click any HEIC file—or indeed, any image file—and then select the Quick Action that you created earlier. You’ll find the newly-converted JPG in the folder that you designated earlier.

要使用新的快速操作,请右键单击任何HEIC文件(或者实际上是任何图像文件),然后选择之前创建的快速操作。 您会在先前指定的文件夹中找到新转换的JPG。

You can also select a group of images and convert them all at once the same way.


翻译自: /398927/how-to-convert-heic-images-to-jpg-on-a-mac-the-easy-way/

