1000字范文 > 软件项目组织与管理期末考试复习要点整理翻译


时间:2021-11-22 13:14:47





Aprojectis “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.”Operations, on the other hand, is work done in organizations to sustain the business.


Project management knowledge areas describe the key competencies that project managers must develop.Project quality managementensures that theproject will satisfy the stated or implied needs for which it was undertaken.


Project management knowledge areas describe the key competencies that project managers must develop.Project procurement managementinvolvesacquiring or procuring goods and servicesfor a project from outside the performing organization.


Risk management plans, risk registers, probability/impact matrices, and risk rankingsare different tools used in risk management.


A project’s sponsor is also known as a(n)primary customer.

项目的发起人(sponsor 赞助)也称为主要客户

Project managementis “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.”


Aprogramis a collection of projects which have common resources.


Aprocessis a series of actions directed toward a particular result.



Initiating and closing tasks are usually theshortest(at the beginning and end of a project or phase, respectively), and they require the least resources and time.


The project organizational structure is often inefficient for the company as a whole. Assigning staff full time to a project often createsunderutilization and misallocationof staff resources.

项目组织结构通常对整个公司而言效率低下。 将人员全职分配到一个项目通常会导致人员资源利用不足和分配不当

The best way tokill a projectis to withhold the required money, human resources, and visibility.


Thehuman resources (HR) framefocuses on producing harmony between the needs of the organization and the needs of people. It recognizes that mismatches can occur between the needs of the organization and those of individuals and groups, and works to resolve any potential problems.

人力资源(HR)框架着重于在组织的需求与人的需求之间产生协调。 它认识到组织的需求与个人和团体的需求之间可能发生不匹配,并致力于解决任何潜在的问题。

In anadaptive life cycle: stakeholders define and approve the detailed scope before the start of an iteration, producing a useable product at the end of each iteration.


Thespiral life cycle modelis suitable for projects in which changes can be incorporated with reasonable cost increases or acceptable time delays.


Outsourcingis an organization’s acquisition of goods and services from an outside source.



Agile is an adaptive product life cycle used when deliverables have ahigh degree of changeand a high frequency of delivery.


In anadaptive life cycle: stakeholders define and approve the detailed scope before the start of an iteration, producing a useable product at the end of each iteration.


Thespiral life cycle modelis suitable for projects in which changes can be incorporated with reasonable cost increases or acceptable time delays.


Outsourcingis an organization’s acquisition of goods and services from an outside source.


Because Scrum implies that team members work as aself-directed group, coached by the ScrumMaster, a team contract should not be necessary.


A burndown chartshows the cumulative work remaining in a sprint on a day by- day basis.


The two main items formonitoring and controllingin the Scrum framework are thedaily Scrumand thesprint retrospectives.


Because Scrum implies that team members work as aself-directed group, coached by the ScrumMaster, a team contract should not be necessary.


Aburndown chartshows the cumulative work remaining in a sprint on a day by- day basis.


Asprint reviewis a meeting in which the team demonstrates to the product owner what it has completed during the sprint.



Opportunities are chances toimprove the organization. Directives are new requirements imposed by management, government, or some external influence.

机会是改善组织的机会。 指令是管理层,政府或某些外部影响施加的新要求。

An organization should always completehigh-priority projects first, even if a low- or medium-priority project could be finished in less time.


An organization should consider only projects with apositive NPVif financial value is a key criterion for project selection.


The ROI is always a percentage. It can bepositive or negative.

投资回报率始终是一个百分比。 它可以是正数或负数

A Gantt chart isnotthe same as a project management plan.


Change requests are common on projects and occur in many different forms. They can beoral or written, formal or informal.

变更请求在项目上很常见,并且以许多不同的形式出现。 它们可以是口头或书面,正式或非正式的。

Theschedule sectionof the project management plan lists the planned dates for completing key deliverables.


Thetechnical processes sectiondescribes specific methodologies a project might use and explains how to document information.


Strategic planninginvolves determining long-term objectives by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses, studying opportunities and threats, predicting future trends, and projecting the need for new products and services.


A(n)SWOT analysisinvolves analyzing a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and is used to aid in strategic planning.


A(n)change control boardis a formal group of people responsible for approving or rejecting changes to a project.



A work package isa task at the lowest levelof the WBS. It represents the level of work that the project manager monitors and controls.

工作包是工作分解结构最低层的一项任务。 它代表项目经理监视和控制的工作级别。

Mind mappingallows people to write and even draw pictures of ideas in a nonlinear format.


Even when the project scope is fairly well defined, many IT projects suffer fromscope creep—the tendency for project scope to keep getting bigger and bigger. Many IT projects fail due to scope creep.

即使项目范围被很好地定义,许多IT项目也遭受范围蔓延的困扰,即项目范围不断扩大的趋势。 许多IT项目由于范围缓慢而失败。

Scoperefers to all the work involved in creating the products of the project and the processes used to create them.


Therequirements management plandocuments how project requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed.


To use thetop-down approach, start with the largest items of the project and break them into subordinate items. The top-down approach is best suited to project managers who have vast technical insight and a big-picture perspective.

要使用自上而下的方法,请从项目的最大项目开始,然后将其分解为从属项目。 自上而下的方法最适合具有广泛技术洞察力和全局视野的项目经理。

A(n)work breakdown structureis a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines its total scope.


Varianceis the difference between planned and actual performance.


Prototypinginvolves developing a working replica of the system or some aspect of the system.



After defining project activities, thenext stepin project time management is sequencing them or determining their dependencies.


Thenetwork diagramrepresents activities that must be done to complete the project. Not every item on the WBS needs to be shown on the network diagram; only activities with dependencies need to be shown.


Abackward passthrough the network diagram determines the late start and late finish dates for each activity. In contrast, a forward pass determines the early start and early finish dates for each activity.


Gantt charts provide a standard format for displaying project schedule information by listing project activities and their corresponding start and finish dates in calendar form. In a Gantt chart, ablack diamond symbolrepresents a milestone.


The final process in project time management iscontrolling the schedule, Like scope control, schedule control is a portion of the integrated change control process under project integration management.


Astart-to-start dependencyis a relationship in which the “from” activity cannot start until the “to” activity or successor is started.


A technique that can help project managers make schedule trade-offs is determining the free slack and total slack for each project activity.Free slack or free floatis the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of any immediately following activities.


Parkinson’s Lawstates that work expands to fill the time allowed.


A(n)network diagramis a schematic display of the logical relationships among project activities and their sequencing.


A(n)Tracking Gantt chartcompares planned and actual project schedule information.


A white diamond on a Tracking Gantt chart represents a(n)slipped milestone.



Cash flow analysisis a method of determining the estimated annual costs and benefits for a project and the resulting annual cash flow. Project managers must conduct cash flow analysis to determine net present value.


Management reservesallow for future situations that are unpredictable. For example, if a project manager gets sick for two weeks or an important supplier goes out of business, management reserves could be set aside to cover the resulting costs.


Analogous estimatesrequires a good deal of expert judgment and is generally less costly than other techniques. However, it is also less accurate.


Project cost managementincludes the processes required to ensure that a project team completes a project within an approved budget. Project managers must make sure their projects are well defined, have accurate time and cost estimates, and have a realistic budget that they were involved in approving.


Indirect costsare not directly related to the products or services of the project, but are indirectly related to performing the project.


Thefirst step in project cost managementis planning how the costs will be managed throughout the life of the project. The project manager and other stakeholders use expert judgment, analytical techniques, and meetings to produce the cost management plan.


The additional percentage or dollar amount by which actual costs exceed estimates is known as a(n)overrun.


A(n)cost baselineis a time-phased budget that project managers use to measure and monitor cost performance.


Earned value managementis a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time, and cost data.



Reliabilityis the ability of a product or service to perform as expected under normal conditions.


Testing needs to be done during almostevery phaseof the systems development life cycle, not just before the organization ships or hands over a product to the customer.


Conformance to requirementsmeans that the project’s processes and products meet written specifications. For example, if the project scope statement requires delivery of 100 computers with specific processors and memory, you could easily check whether suitable computers had been delivered.


Ametricis a standard of measurement. Examples of common metrics include failure rates of products, availability of goods and services, and customer satisfaction ratings.


Design of experimentsis a technique that helps identify which variables have the most influence on the overall outcome of a process. Understanding which variables affect outcome is a very important part of quality planning.


Functionalityis the degree to which a system performs its intended function. Features are the system’s special characteristics that appeal to users. It is important to clarify what functions and features the system must perform, and what functions and features are optional.


Benchmarkinggenerates ideas for quality improvements by comparing specific project practices or product characteristics to those of other projects or products within or outside the performing organization.


User acceptance testingis an independent test performed by end users prior to accepting the delivered system. It focuses on the business fit of the system to the organization, rather than technical issues.


Cause-and-effectdiagrams trace complaints about quality problems back to the responsible production operations.


Watts S. Humphrey defines a(n)software defectas anything that must be changed before delivery of the program.

瓦茨·汉弗莱(Watts S. Humphrey)将软件缺陷定义为在交付程序之前必须进行的任何更改。

Kaizenis the Japanese method of modern quality management called, which relies on continuous small improvements involving everyone from the top management to the lowest level worker in the organization.



In addition to using a RAM to assign detailed work activities, you can use it todefine general roles and responsibilitieson projects. This type of RAM can include the stakeholders in the project.


People who work overtime just to get extra pay or because of their own poor work or planning shouldnot be rewarded.


Coercive powerinvolves using punishment, threats, or other negative approaches to get people to do things they do not want to do. For example, a project manager can threaten to fire workers or subcontractors to try to get them to change their behavior.


Sharpening the saw is the process ofself-renewal.


TheRAM (responsibility assignment matrix)allocates work to responsible and performing organizations, teams, or individuals, depending on the desired level of detail.


Psychosocialissues that affect how people work and how well they work include motivation, influence and power, and effectiveness.


Resource levelingis a technique for resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasks. It is a form of network analysis in which resource management concerns drive scheduling decisions (start and finish dates). The main purpose of resource leveling is to create a smoother distribution of resource usage.



For projects to succeed, every project team member needsboth types of skills, and needs to develop them continuously through formal education and on-the-job training.


An important aspect of communications is the number of people involved in a project. As the number increases, thecomplexity of communication increasesbecause there are more channels or pathways through which people can communicate. Communication becomes more complex as you increase team size.


Blogsare journals on the Web that allow users to write entries, respond to another poster’s comments, create links, upload pictures, and post comments to journal entries.


Minutes should beshort and focus on the crucial decisions and action itemsfrom the meeting.


Status reportsdescribe where the project stands at aspecific point in time. Status reports can take various formats depending on the stakeholders’ needs.


If a team has 10communication channelsbetween its various members, it can be deduced that the team has five members by using the formula for calculating communication channels.


Interactivecommunication happens when two or more people to exchange information via meetings, phone calls, or video conferencing.


Improving an organization’s ability to communicate requires a cultural change in an organization that takes alot of time, hard

work, and patience.



1. Elaborate on the Project Management Life Cycle process?阐述项目管理生命周期过程?

The Project Management Life Cycle is a series of various activities/tasks that are crucial for accomplishing project objectives or targets. This helps in structuring the efforts and simplifying them into a series of logical and manageable steps. The Project Management Life Cycle consists of four simple phases which are listed below:



It’s the first and most vital step in the life-cycle of your project where the initial scope of the project gets defined and resources are committed. This process group ensures the success of your project.



In this process group, an appropriate level of detail is jotted for the project to plan time, cost and resources. It estimates the work needed and manage risk effectively.



This process group consists of the processes which are used to complete the work defined in the project management plan. It’s about achieving the project’s objectives. It also involves tracking, reviewing and regulating the performance of the project. Also, you need to identify potential problems quickly and take corrective actions.



This process group is an important part of project management, performed to finalize all project activities to complete the project. This means finishing all activities across all the process groups, disbanding the project team and signing off the project with the customer using the project closure report.


2. What are the most important skills that a Project Manager should possess? 项目经理应具备哪些最重要的技能?

Most important skills that a Project manager must possess are:




Team Management团队管理

Negotiation Power谈判能力

Personal Organization个人组织

Risk Management风险管理

3. How will you start your job as a new project manager? 你将如何开始担任新项目经理的工作?

When you start your job a project manager first few things that you need to take care of are:


Listen, observe and learn倾听、观察和学习

Understand your client’s needs and wants了解客户的需求

Know your team and their personalities了解您的团队及和他们的个性

Take the opportunity to learn some new skills借此机会学习一些新技能

Help out around the workplace在工作场所帮忙

Try to master the tools your company possesses努力掌握贵公司拥有的工具

4. What are the major types of risks you might encounter in a project? 你在项目中可能遇到的主要风险类型是什么?

Majorly encountered risks in a project are: 在项目中主要遇到的风险有:

Cost Risk成本风险Schedule Risk 进度风险Performance Risk 绩效风险Resource Risk 资源风险Technology Risk 技术风险Market Risk 市场风险Legal Risk 法律风险Strategic Risk 战略风险Governance Risk 治理风险Operational Risk 运营风险External Risk 外部风险

5. Why does a Project Manager need to be proactive? 为什么项目经理需要积极主动?

Proactive Managers have higher chances of finding out the risks and implementing solutions in order to minimize them. Being proactive, lets them have more control over their project tasks and resources. They can keep a better track of all tasks and issues to work towards implementing small changes and improvements for higher productivity and efficiency. Organizes frequent meetings for developers to talk about their problems, brainstorm solutions, share best practices etc. Compares the actual costs and time spent on tasks on a weekly basis with the planned numbers.


6. Explain the entire team forming process you follow for your team. 解释你为团队所遵循的整个团队组建过程。

Developmental stages of the team generally consist of: 团队的发展阶段通常包括:

Forming: In this stage, the entire group unites for the first time where the focus is to build relationships within the team and clarify the mission or vision of the project.


Storming: In this stage, team members get more comfortable in sharing their opinions with the team and with a possibility of internal conflict within the group.


Norming: In this stage, the project team receives the clarity and support on the tasks to proceed with the project.


Performing: By this stage, the team members learn to trust and accept each other. Each of the team members become competent, autonomous and is able to handle the decision-making process without anyone’s supervision.


Adjourning: This is the final stage of the team forming process, which takes place after project completion. In this stage, the team is broken up and resources are released.


7. What are the knowledge areas and how relevant are they in a project? 什么是知识领域?它们在项目中的相关性如何?

Knowledge Areas are the core technical subject matter that are vital for effective project management. All the 49 processes are primarily part of these knowledge areas where they are grouped based on their commonalities. Below I have listed down the 10 knowledge areas of project management framework:


Project Integration Management项目集成管理Project Scope Management项目范围管理Project Schedule Management项目进度管理Project Cost Management项目成本管理Project Quality Management项目质量管理Project Resource Management项目资源管理Project Communications Management项目沟通管理Project Risk Management项目风险管理Project Procurement Management项目采购管理Project Stakeholder Management项目涉众管理

8. What are the processes and process groups in the project management framework? 项目管理框架中的流程和流程组(过程和过程组)是什么?

A process in the project management framework is a defined way of doing tasks that are involved in the successful completion of a project. These processes define the actions to be taken along with> their sequence. There are around 49 processes in the project management framework embedded in various process groups. Process groups are a collection of processes that are applicable through various stages of a project.


There are 5 process groups in which 10 knowledge areas and 49 processes are mapped into. The five process groups are:

有5个过程组,其中映射了10个知识领域和49个过程。 五个过程组是:




Monitoring & Control监控


9. What are the most important skills that a Project Manager should possess? 项目经理应该具备哪些最重要的技能?

Most important skills that a Project manager must possess are:




Team Management团队管理

Negotiation Power谈判权

Personal Organization个人组织

Risk Management风险管理

10. Let us say, we are given the task of deciding between Vendor A and Vendor B. Vendor A has a Success Probability of 55% and an Impact of $ 70,000 while there is no impact on Failure. Similarly Vendor B has a 75% probability of Success and has an impact of $ 55,000 and he too has no impact on Failure. Based on this information, how would you choose the Vendor? 假设我们的任务是在供应商A和供应商B之间做出决定。供应商A的成功概率为55%,影响为70,000美元,而对失败没有影响。 同样,供应商B成功的概率为75%,其影响为55,000美元,他也没有失败的影响。 根据这些信息,你将如何选择供应商?

The simple Answer would be – Use Decision Tree Analysis. So, based on this question, if I were to create a Decision Tree, it would look like below:


So, here:

EMV for Vendor A: = 70000 * 55% = 38,500

EMV for Vendor B = 55000 * 75% = 41,250


供应商A的EMV = 70000 * 55%= 38,500

供应商B的EMV = 55000 * 75%= 41,250

Now, you know the EMV for each vendor. So, the wiser choice would be to choose Vendor B because the Expected Monetary Value of choosing Vendor B is greater than Vendor A.


For Vendor A:对于供应商A:

EMV for Failure = 1000 * 30% = 300EMV for Success = 6000 * 70% = 4200 Total EMV for Vendor A = $ 4,500/- 失败的EMV = 1000 * 30%= 300成功的EMV = 6000 * 70%= 4200供应商A的总EMV = $ 4,500 /-

For Vendor B:对于供应商B:

EMV for Failure = -1200 * 40% = -480 EMV for Success = 7500 * 60% = 4500 Total EMV for Vendor B = $ 4,020/- 失败的EMV = -1200 * 40%= -480 成功的EMV = 7500 * 60%= 4500 供应商B的总EMV= $ 4,020 /-

So, based on the total EMV, Vendor A is the better choice…


11. For the following table of information below: 对于下面的信息表:

Draw the network diagram 绘制网络图

List the network paths 列出网络路径

Determine the critical path(s) 确定关键路径

Determine the float for each activity 确定每个活动的浮动

What is the minimum time to complete the project? Duration? 完成项目的最短时间是多少? 持续时间?
