1000字范文 > unityar自动识别人脸_AR开发实战项目之人脸识别(实现换脸 人脸涂妆 动作特效)...

unityar自动识别人脸_AR开发实战项目之人脸识别(实现换脸 人脸涂妆 动作特效)...

时间:2019-04-13 16:51:39


unityar自动识别人脸_AR开发实战项目之人脸识别(实现换脸 人脸涂妆 动作特效)...





using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine.UI;

#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;


using OpenCVForUnity;

using DlibFaceLandmarkDetector;

namespace DlibFaceLandmarkDetectorSample



/// Face tracker AR from WebCamTexture Sample.

/// This sample was referring to //10/17/head-pose-estimation-with-opencv-opengl-revisited-w-code/

/// and use effect asset from http://ktk-/entry//09/14/092400



public class WebCamTextureARSample : MonoBehaviour



/// The is showing face points.


public bool isShowingFacePoints;


/// The is showing face points toggle.


public Toggle isShowingFacePointsToggle;


/// The is showing axes.


public bool isShowingAxes;


/// The is showing axes toggle.


public Toggle isShowingAxesToggle;


/// The is showing head.


public bool isShowingHead;


/// The is showing head toggle.


public Toggle isShowingHeadToggle;


/// The is showing effects.


public bool isShowingEffects;


/// The is showing effects toggle.


public Toggle isShowingEffectsToggle;


/// The axes. 轴


public GameObject axes;


/// The head. 头部


public GameObject head;


/// The right eye.右眼


public GameObject rightEye;


/// The left eye.左眼


public GameObject leftEye;


/// The mouth. 嘴巴


public GameObject mouth;


/// The mouth particle system. 嘴部特效


ParticleSystem[] mouthParticleSystem;


/// The texture. 贴图


Texture2D texture;


/// The face landmark detector. 脸部识别


FaceLandmarkDetector faceLandmarkDetector;


/// The AR camera.


public Camera ARCamera;


/// The cam matrix.


Mat camMatrix;


/// The dist coeffs.


MatOfDouble distCoeffs;


/// The invert Y.


Matrix4x4 invertYM;


/// The transformation m.


Matrix4x4 transformationM = new Matrix4x4 ();


/// The invert Z.


Matrix4x4 invertZM;


/// The ar m.


Matrix4x4 ARM;


/// The ar game object.


public GameObject ARGameObject;


/// The should move AR camera.


public bool shouldMoveARCamera;


/// The 3d face object points.


MatOfPoint3f objectPoints;


/// The image points.


MatOfPoint2f imagePoints;


/// The rvec.


Mat rvec;


/// The tvec.


Mat tvec;


/// The rot m.


Mat rotM;


/// The web cam texture to mat helper.


WebCamTextureToMatHelper webCamTextureToMatHelper;


/// The shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks_dat_filepath.


private string shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks_dat_filepath;

// Use this for initialization

void Start ()


isShowingFacePointsToggle.isOn = isShowingFacePoints;

isShowingAxesToggle.isOn = isShowingAxes;

isShowingHeadToggle.isOn = isShowingHead;

isShowingEffectsToggle.isOn = isShowingEffects;


StartCoroutine(DlibFaceLandmarkDetector.Utils.getFilePathAsync("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat", (result) => {

shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks_dat_filepath = result;

Run ();



shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks_dat_filepath = DlibFaceLandmarkDetector.Utils.getFilePath ("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat");

Run ();



private void Run ()


//set 3d face object points.

objectPoints = new MatOfPoint3f (

new Point3 (-31, 72, 86),//l eye

new Point3 (31, 72, 86),//r eye

new Point3 (0, 40, 114),//nose

new Point3 (-20, 15, 90),//l mouse

new Point3 (20, 15, 90),//r mouse

new Point3 (-69, 76, -2),//l ear

new Point3 (69, 76, -2)//r ear


imagePoints = new MatOfPoint2f ();

rvec = new Mat ();

tvec = new Mat ();

rotM = new Mat (3, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);

faceLandmarkDetector = new FaceLandmarkDetector (shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks_dat_filepath);

webCamTextureToMatHelper = gameObject.GetComponent ();

webCamTextureToMatHelper.Init ();



/// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper inited event.


public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInited ()


Debug.Log ("OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInited");

Mat webCamTextureMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat ();

texture = new Texture2D (webCamTextureMat.cols (), webCamTextureMat.rows (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

gameObject.GetComponent ().material.mainTexture = texture;

gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (webCamTextureMat.cols (), webCamTextureMat.rows (), 1);

Debug.Log ("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

float width = webCamTextureMat.width ();

float height = webCamTextureMat.height ();

float imageSizeScale = 1.0f;

float widthScale = (float)Screen.width / width;

float heightScale = (float)Screen.height / height;

if (widthScale < heightScale) {

Camera.main.orthographicSize = (width * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width) / 2;

imageSizeScale = (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width;

} else {

Camera.main.orthographicSize = height / 2;


// Update is called once per frame

void Update ()


if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying () && webCamTextureToMatHelper.DidUpdateThisFrame ()) {

Mat rgbaMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat ();

OpenCVForUnityUtils.SetImage (faceLandmarkDetector, rgbaMat);

//detect face rects

List detectResult = faceLandmarkDetector.Detect ();

if (detectResult.Count > 0) {

//detect landmark points

List points = faceLandmarkDetector.DetectLandmark (detectResult [0]);

if (points.Count > 0) {

if (isShowingFacePoints)

OpenCVForUnityUtils.DrawFaceLandmark (rgbaMat, points, new Scalar (0, 255, 0, 255), 2);

imagePoints.fromArray (

new Point ((points [38].x + points [41].x) / 2, (points [38].y + points [41].y) / 2),//l eye

new Point ((points [43].x + points [46].x) / 2, (points [43].y + points [46].y) / 2),//r eye

new Point (points [33].x, points [33].y),//nose

new Point (points [48].x, points [48].y),//l mouth

new Point (points [54].x, points [54].y) //r mouth


new Point (points [0].x, points [0].y),//l ear

new Point (points [16].x, points [16].y)//r ear


Calib3d.solvePnP (objectPoints, imagePoints, camMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec);


if (tvec.get (2, 0) [0] > 0) {

if (Mathf.Abs ((float)(points [43].y - points [46].y)) > Mathf.Abs ((float)(points [42].x - points [45].x)) / 6.0) {

if (isShowingEffects)

rightEye.SetActive (true);


if (Mathf.Abs ((float)(points [38].y - points [41].y)) > Mathf.Abs ((float)(points [39].x - points [36].x)) / 6.0) {

if (isShowingEffects)

leftEye.SetActive (true);


if (isShowingHead)

head.SetActive (true);

if (isShowingAxes)

axes.SetActive (true);


float noseDistance = Mathf.Abs ((float)(points [27].y - points [33].y));

float mouseDistance = Mathf.Abs ((float)(points [62].y - points [66].y));

if (mouseDistance > noseDistance / 5.0) {

if (isShowingEffects) {

mouth.SetActive (true);

foreach (ParticleSystem ps in mouthParticleSystem) {

ps.enableEmission = true;

ps.startSize = 500 * (mouseDistance / noseDistance);



} else {

if (isShowingEffects) {

foreach (ParticleSystem ps in mouthParticleSystem) {

ps.enableEmission = false;




Calib3d.Rodrigues (rvec, rotM);

transformationM .SetRow (0, new Vector4 ((float)rotM.get (0, 0) [0], (float)rotM.get (0, 1) [0], (float)rotM.get (0, 2) [0], (float)tvec.get (0, 0) [0]));

transformationM.SetRow (1, new Vector4 ((float)rotM.get (1, 0) [0], (float)rotM.get (1, 1) [0], (float)rotM.get (1, 2) [0], (float)tvec.get (1, 0) [0]));

transformationM.SetRow (2, new Vector4 ((float)rotM.get (2, 0) [0], (float)rotM.get (2, 1) [0], (float)rotM.get (2, 2) [0], (float)tvec.get (2, 0) [0]));

transformationM.SetRow (3, new Vector4 (0, 0, 0, 1));

if (shouldMoveARCamera) {

if (ARGameObject != null) {

ARM = ARGameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix * invertZM * transformationM.inverse * invertYM;

ARUtils.SetTransformFromMatrix (ARCamera.transform, ref ARM);

ARGameObject.SetActive (true);


} else {

ARM = ARCamera.transform.localToWorldMatrix * invertYM * transformationM * invertZM;

if (ARGameObject != null) {

ARUtils.SetTransformFromMatrix (ARGameObject.transform, ref ARM);

ARGameObject.SetActive (true);







// Imgproc.putText (rgbaMat, "W:" + rgbaMat.width () + " H:" + rgbaMat.height () + " SO:" + Screen.orientation, new Point (5, rgbaMat.rows () - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, new Scalar (255, 255, 255, 255), 1, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);

OpenCVForUnity.Utils.matToTexture2D (rgbaMat, texture, webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetBufferColors ());




/// Raises the disable event.


void OnDisable ()


if (webCamTextureToMatHelper != null)

webCamTextureToMatHelper.Dispose ();

if (faceLandmarkDetector != null)

faceLandmarkDetector.Dispose ();



/// Raises the back button event.


public void OnBackButton ()


#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER

// SceneManager.LoadScene ("DlibFaceLandmarkDetectorSample");



Application.LoadLevel ("FaceMask");

//Application.LoadLevel ("DlibFaceLandmarkDetectorSample");




/// Raises the play button event.


public void OnPlayButton ()


webCamTextureToMatHelper.Play ();



/// Raises the pause button event.


public void OnPauseButton ()


webCamTextureToMatHelper.Pause ();



/// Raises the stop button event.


public void OnStopButton ()


webCamTextureToMatHelper.Stop ();



/// Raises the change camera button event.


public void OnChangeCameraButton ()


webCamTextureToMatHelper.Init (null, webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestWidth, webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestHeight, !webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestIsFrontFacing);


if (isTimeout) {

//Debug.Log("Init time out.");

webCamTexture.Stop ();

webCamTexture = null;

initWaiting = false;

if (OnErrorOccurredEvent != null)

OnErrorOccurredEvent.Invoke (ErrorCode.TIMEOUT);




/// Ises the inited.


/// true, if inited was ised, false otherwise.

public bool IsInited ()


return initDone;



/// Play this instance.


public void Play ()


if (initDone)

webCamTexture.Play ();



/// Pause this instance.


public void Pause ()


if (initDone)

webCamTexture.Pause ();



/// Stop this instance.


public void Stop ()


if (initDone)

webCamTexture.Stop ();



/// Ises the playing.


/// true, if playing was ised, false otherwise.

public bool IsPlaying ()


if (!initDone)

return false;

return webCamTexture.isPlaying;



/// Gets the web cam texture.


/// The web cam texture.

public WebCamTexture GetWebCamTexture ()


return (initDone) ? webCamTexture : null;



/// Gets the web cam device.


/// The web cam device.

public WebCamDevice GetWebCamDevice ()


return webCamDevice;



/// Dids the update this frame.


/// true, if update this frame was dided, false otherwise.

public bool DidUpdateThisFrame ()


if (!initDone)

return false;

#if UNITY_IOS && !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_4_6_3 || UNITY_4_6_4 || UNITY_5_0_0 || UNITY_5_0_1)

if (webCamTexture.width > 16 && webCamTexture.height > 16) {

return true;

} else {

return false;



return webCamTexture.didUpdateThisFrame;




/// Gets the mat.


/// The mat.

public Mat GetMat ()


if (!initDone || !webCamTexture.isPlaying) {

if (rotatedRgbaMat != null) {

return rotatedRgbaMat;

} else {

return rgbaMat;



Utils.webCamTextureToMat (webCamTexture, rgbaMat, colors);

if (rotatedRgbaMat != null) {

using (Mat transposeRgbaMat = rgbaMat.t ()) {

Core.flip (transposeRgbaMat, rotatedRgbaMat, 1);


flipMat (rotatedRgbaMat);

return rotatedRgbaMat;

} else {

flipMat (rgbaMat);

return rgbaMat;




/// Flips the mat.


/// Mat.

private void flipMat (Mat mat)


int flipCode = int.MinValue;

if (webCamDevice.isFrontFacing) {

if (webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle == 0) {

flipCode = 1;

} else if (webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle == 90) {

flipCode = 1;


if (webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle == 180) {

flipCode = 0;

} else if (webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle == 270) {

flipCode = 0;


} else {

if (webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle == 180) {

flipCode = -1;

} else if (webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle == 270) {

flipCode = -1;



if (flipVertical) {

if (flipCode == int.MinValue) {

flipCode = 0;

} else if (flipCode == 0) {

flipCode = int.MinValue;

} else if (flipCode == 1) {

flipCode = -1;

} else if (flipCode == -1) {

flipCode = 1;



if (flipHorizontal) {

if (flipCode == int.MinValue) {

flipCode = 1;

} else if (flipCode == 0) {

flipCode = -1;

} else if (flipCode == 1) {

flipCode = int.MinValue;

} else if (flipCode == -1) {

flipCode = 0;



if (flipCode > int.MinValue) {

Core.flip (mat, mat, flipCode);




/// Gets the buffer colors.


/// The buffer colors.

public Color32[] GetBufferColors ()


return colors;



/// To release the resources for the init method.


private void dispose ()


initWaiting = false;

initDone = false;

if (webCamTexture != null) {

webCamTexture.Stop ();

webCamTexture = null;


if (rgbaMat != null) {

rgbaMat.Dispose ();

rgbaMat = null;


if (rotatedRgbaMat != null) {

rotatedRgbaMat.Dispose ();

rotatedRgbaMat = null;


if (OnDisposedEvent != null)

OnDisposedEvent.Invoke ();



/// Releases all resource used by the object.


/// Call when you are finished using the . The

/// method leaves the in an unusable state. After

/// calling , you must release all references to the so

/// the garbage collector can reclaim the memory that the was occupying.

public void Dispose ()


if (initDone)

dispose ();

colors = null;





using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using OpenCVForUnity.RectangleTrack;

namespace FaceMaskExample


public class TrackedMeshOverlay : MonoBehaviour


public int Interval = 1;

public int PoolSize = 10;


private GameObject baseObject;

public GameObject BaseObject


get {

return baseObject;


set {

baseObject = value;




public float Width


get {

return targetWidth;



public float Height


get {

return targetHeight;



protected Transform targetTransform;

protected float targetWidth = 0;

protected float targetHeight = 0;

protected Transform overlayTransform;

protected ObjectPool objectPool;

protected Dictionary showingObjects = new Dictionary();

void Awake()




void OnDestroy()


overlayTransform = null;

targetTransform = null;

targetWidth = 0;

targetHeight = 0;


if(objectPool != null)



objectPool = null;



protected GameObject getPoolObject(Transform parent)


if(objectPool == null) return null;

GameObject newObj = objectPool.GetInstance(parent);

if(newObj != null){

newObj.transform.SetParent(parent, false);

return newObj;


return null;



protected virtual void init(String name)


GameObject obj = new GameObject(name);

overlayTransform = obj.transform;

overlayTransform.parent = gameObject.transform.parent;

if(baseObject != null)

setBaseObject (baseObject);


protected virtual void setBaseObject (GameObject obj)


if (obj.GetComponent() == null)


Debug.LogWarning("Object is not TrackedMesh.");



if(objectPool != null){



objectPool = overlayTransform.gameObject.AddComponent();

objectPool.prefab = obj;

objectPool.maxCount = PoolSize;

objectPool.prepareCount = (int)PoolSize / 2;

objectPool.Interval = Interval;


public virtual void UpdateOverlayTransform(Transform targetTransform)


if (targetTransform == null)


this.targetTransform = null;



targetWidth = targetTransform.localScale.x;

targetHeight = targetTransform.localScale.y;

this.targetTransform = targetTransform;

overlayTransform.localPosition = targetTransform.localPosition;

overlayTransform.localRotation = targetTransform.localRotation;

overlayTransform.localScale = targetTransform.localScale;


public virtual TrackedMesh GetObjectById(int id)


if (showingObjects.ContainsKey(id))


return showingObjects[id];


return null;


public virtual TrackedMesh CreateObject(int id, Texture2D tex = null)


if (!showingObjects.ContainsKey(id)){

GameObject obj = getPoolObject(overlayTransform);

if (obj == null) return null;

TrackedMesh tm = obj.GetComponent();

if (tm != null)


tm.Id = id;

tm.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

tm.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion();

tm.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

if (tex != null)


Renderer tmRenderer = tm.transform.GetComponent();

tmRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture ("_MainTex", tex);


showingObjects.Add(id, tm);


return tm;



return null;



public virtual void UpdateObject(int id, Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles = null, Vector2[] uv = null)


if (showingObjects.ContainsKey(id)){

TrackedMesh tm = showingObjects[id];

if(vertices.Length != tm.MeshFilter.mesh.vertices.Length) Debug.LogError("The number of vertices does not match.");

tm.MeshFilter.mesh.vertices = vertices;

if (triangles != null)


tm.MeshFilter.mesh.triangles = triangles;


if (uv != null)


tm.MeshFilter.mesh.uv = uv;






public virtual void DeleteObject(int id)


if (showingObjects.ContainsKey(id))


if(showingObjects[id] != null)





public virtual void Reset()


foreach (int key in showingObjects.Keys)


if(showingObjects[key] != null)








using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.IO;

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;

using DlibFaceLandmarkDetector;

using OpenCVForUnity;

using OpenCVForUnity.RectangleTrack;

using WebGLFileUploader;

#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;



private IEnumerator getFilePathCoroutine()


var getFilePathAsync_0_Coroutine = StartCoroutine (OpenCVForUnity.Utils.getFilePathAsync ("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml", (result) => {

haarcascade_frontalface_alt_xml_filepath = result;


var getFilePathAsync_1_Coroutine = StartCoroutine (DlibFaceLandmarkDetector.Utils.getFilePathAsync ("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat", (result) => {

shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks_dat_filepath = result;


yield return getFilePathAsync_0_Coroutine;

yield return getFilePathAsync_1_Coroutine;

Run ();

uploadFaceMaskButton.interactable = true;



private void Run ()


meshOverlay = this.GetComponent ();

shader_FadeID = Shader.PropertyToID("_Fade");

rectangleTracker = new RectangleTracker ();

faceLandmarkDetector = new FaceLandmarkDetector (shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks_dat_filepath);

frontalFaceParam = new FrontalFaceParam ();

webCamTextureToMatHelper.Init ();

isShowingFaceRectsToggle.isOn = isShowingFaceRects;

useDlibFaceDetecterToggle.isOn = useDlibFaceDetecter;

isFilteringNonFrontalFacesToggle.isOn = isFilteringNonFrontalFaces;

isShowingDebugFacePointsToggle.isOn = isShowingDebugFacePoints;



/// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper inited event.


public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInited ()


Debug.Log ("OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInited");

Mat webCamTextureMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat ();

colors = new Color32[webCamTextureMat.cols () * webCamTextureMat.rows ()];

texture = new Texture2D (webCamTextureMat.cols (), webCamTextureMat.rows (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (webCamTextureMat.cols (), webCamTextureMat.rows (), 1);

Debug.Log ("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation);

float width = gameObject.transform.localScale.x;

float height = gameObject.transform.localScale.y;

float widthScale = (float)Screen.width / width;

float heightScale = (float)Screen.height / height;

if (widthScale < heightScale) {

Camera.main.orthographicSize = (width * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width) / 2;

} else {

Camera.main.orthographicSize = height / 2;


gameObject.GetComponent ().material.mainTexture = texture;

grayMat = new Mat (webCamTextureMat.rows (), webCamTextureMat.cols (), CvType.CV_8UC1);

cascade = new CascadeClassifier (haarcascade_frontalface_alt_xml_filepath);

if (cascade.empty ()) {

Debug.LogError ("cascade file is not loaded.Please copy from “FaceTrackerExample/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder. ");


meshOverlay.UpdateOverlayTransform (gameObject.transform);

OnChangeFaceMaskButton ();



/// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper disposed event.


public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperDisposed ()


Debug.Log ("OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperDisposed");

grayMat.Dispose ();

rectangleTracker.Reset ();

meshOverlay.Reset ();



/// Raises the web cam texture to mat helper error occurred event.


/// Error code.

public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperErrorOccurred(WebCamTextureToMatHelper.ErrorCode errorCode){

Debug.Log ("OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperErrorOccurred " + errorCode);


// Update is called once per frame

void Update ()


if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying () && webCamTextureToMatHelper.DidUpdateThisFrame ()) {

Mat rgbaMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat ();

// detect faces.

List detectResult = new List ();

if (useDlibFaceDetecter) {

OpenCVForUnityUtils.SetImage (faceLandmarkDetector, rgbaMat);

List result = faceLandmarkDetector.Detect ();

foreach (var unityRect in result) {

detectResult.Add (new OpenCVForUnity.Rect ((int)unityRect.x, (int)unityRect.y, (int)unityRect.width, (int)unityRect.height));


} else {

// convert image to greyscale.

Imgproc.cvtColor (rgbaMat, grayMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY);

using (Mat equalizeHistMat = new Mat ())

using (MatOfRect faces = new MatOfRect ()) {

Imgproc.equalizeHist (grayMat, equalizeHistMat);

cascade.detectMultiScale (equalizeHistMat, faces, 1.1f, 2, 0 | Objdetect.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, new OpenCVForUnity.Size (equalizeHistMat.cols () * 0.15, equalizeHistMat.cols () * 0.15), new Size ());

detectResult = faces.toList ();


// Adjust to Dilb's result.

foreach (OpenCVForUnity.Rect r in detectResult) {

r.y += (int)(r.height * 0.1f);



// face traking.

rectangleTracker.UpdateTrackedObjects (detectResult);

List trackedRects = new List ();

rectangleTracker.GetObjects (trackedRects, true);

// detect face landmark.

OpenCVForUnityUtils.SetImage (faceLandmarkDetector, rgbaMat);

List> landmarkPoints = new List> ();

for (int i = 0; i < trackedRects.Count; i++) {

TrackedRect tr = trackedRects [i];

UnityEngine.Rect rect = new UnityEngine.Rect (tr.x, tr.y, tr.width, tr.height);

List points = faceLandmarkDetector.DetectLandmark (rect);

landmarkPoints.Add (points);


// face masking.

if (faceMaskTexture != null && landmarkPoints.Count >= 1) {

OpenCVForUnity.Utils.texture2DToMat (faceMaskTexture, faceMaskMat);

float imageWidth = meshOverlay.Width;

float imageHeight = meshOverlay.Height;

float maskImageWidth = faceMaskTexture.width;

float maskImageHeight = faceMaskTexture.height;

TrackedRect tr;

TrackedMesh tm;

for (int i = 0; i < trackedRects.Count; i++) {

tr = trackedRects [i];

if (tr.state == TrackedState.NEW) {

meshOverlay.CreateObject (tr.id, faceMaskTexture);


if (tr.state < TrackedState.DELETED) {

tm = meshOverlay.GetObjectById (tr.id);

Vector3[] vertices = tm.MeshFilter.mesh.vertices;

if (vertices.Length == landmarkPoints [i].Count) {

for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Length; j++) {

vertices [j].x = landmarkPoints [i] [j].x / imageWidth - 0.5f;

vertices [j].y = 0.5f - landmarkPoints [i] [j].y / imageHeight;



Vector2[] uv = tm.MeshFilter.mesh.uv;

if (uv.Length == faceLandmarkPointsInMask.Count) {

for (int jj = 0; jj < uv.Length; jj++) {

uv [jj].x = faceLandmarkPointsInMask [jj].x / maskImageWidth;

uv [jj].y = (maskImageHeight - faceLandmarkPointsInMask [jj].y) / maskImageHeight;



meshOverlay.UpdateObject (tr.id, vertices, null, uv);

if (tr.numFramesNotDetected > 3) {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 1f);

}else if (tr.numFramesNotDetected > 0 && tr.numFramesNotDetected <= 3) {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 0.3f + (0.7f/4f) * tr.numFramesNotDetected);

} else {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 0.3f);


// filter nonfrontalface.

if (isFilteringNonFrontalFaces && frontalFaceParam.getFrontalFaceRate (landmarkPoints [i]) < frontalFaceRateLowerLimit) {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 1f);


} else if (tr.state == TrackedState.DELETED) {

meshOverlay.DeleteObject (tr.id);



} else if (landmarkPoints.Count >= 1) {

float imageWidth = meshOverlay.Width;

float imageHeight = meshOverlay.Height;

float maskImageWidth = texture.width;

float maskImageHeight = texture.height;

TrackedRect tr;

TrackedMesh tm;

for (int i = 0; i < trackedRects.Count; i++) {

tr = trackedRects [i];

if (tr.state == TrackedState.NEW) {

meshOverlay.CreateObject (tr.id, texture);


if (tr.state < TrackedState.DELETED) {

tm = meshOverlay.GetObjectById (tr.id);

Vector3[] vertices = tm.MeshFilter.mesh.vertices;

if (vertices.Length == landmarkPoints [i].Count) {

for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Length; j++) {

vertices [j].x = landmarkPoints[i][j].x / imageWidth - 0.5f;

vertices [j].y = 0.5f - landmarkPoints[i][j].y / imageHeight;



Vector2[] uv = tm.MeshFilter.mesh.uv;

if (uv.Length == landmarkPoints [0].Count) {

for (int jj = 0; jj < uv.Length; jj++) {

uv [jj].x = landmarkPoints[0][jj].x / maskImageWidth;

uv [jj].y = (maskImageHeight - landmarkPoints[0][jj].y) / maskImageHeight;



meshOverlay.UpdateObject (tr.id, vertices, null, uv);

if (tr.numFramesNotDetected > 3) {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 1f);

}else if (tr.numFramesNotDetected > 0 && tr.numFramesNotDetected <= 3) {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 0.3f + (0.7f/4f) * tr.numFramesNotDetected);

} else {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 0.3f);


// filter nonfrontalface.

if (isFilteringNonFrontalFaces && frontalFaceParam.getFrontalFaceRate (landmarkPoints [i]) < frontalFaceRateLowerLimit) {

tm.Material.SetFloat (shader_FadeID, 1f);


} else if (tr.state == TrackedState.DELETED) {

meshOverlay.DeleteObject (tr.id);




// draw face rects.

if (isShowingFaceRects) {

for (int i = 0; i < detectResult.Count; i++) {

UnityEngine.Rect rect = new UnityEngine.Rect (detectResult [i].x, detectResult [i].y, detectResult [i].width, detectResult [i].height);

OpenCVForUnityUtils.DrawFaceRect (rgbaMat, rect, new Scalar (255, 0, 0, 255), 2);


for (int i = 0; i < trackedRects.Count; i++) {

UnityEngine.Rect rect = new UnityEngine.Rect (trackedRects [i].x, trackedRects [i].y, trackedRects [i].width, trackedRects [i].height);

OpenCVForUnityUtils.DrawFaceRect (rgbaMat, rect, new Scalar (255, 255, 0, 255), 2);

//Imgproc.putText (rgbaMat, " " + frontalFaceParam.getAngleOfFrontalFace (landmarkPoints [i]), new Point (rect.xMin, rect.yMin - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, new Scalar (255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);

//Imgproc.putText (rgbaMat, " " + frontalFaceParam.getFrontalFaceRate (landmarkPoints [i]), new Point (rect.xMin, rect.yMin - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, new Scalar (255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);



// draw face points.

if (isShowingDebugFacePoints) {

for (int i = 0; i < landmarkPoints.Count; i++) {

OpenCVForUnityUtils.DrawFaceLandmark (rgbaMat, landmarkPoints [i], new Scalar (0, 255, 0, 255), 2);



// display face mask image.

if (faceMaskTexture != null && faceMaskMat != null) {

if (isShowingFaceRects) {

OpenCVForUnityUtils.DrawFaceRect (faceMaskMat, faceRectInMask, new Scalar (255, 0, 0, 255), 2);


if (isShowingDebugFacePoints) {

OpenCVForUnityUtils.DrawFaceLandmark (faceMaskMat, faceLandmarkPointsInMask, new Scalar (0, 255, 0, 255), 2);


float scale = (rgbaMat.width () / 4f) / faceMaskMat.width ();

float tx = rgbaMat.width () - faceMaskMat.width () * scale;

float ty = 0.0f;

Mat trans = new Mat (2, 3, CvType.CV_32F);//1.0, 0.0, tx, 0.0, 1.0, ty);

trans.put (0, 0, scale);

trans.put (0, 1, 0.0f);

trans.put (0, 2, tx);

trans.put (1, 0, 0.0f);

trans.put (1, 1, scale);

trans.put (1, 2, ty);

Imgproc.warpAffine (faceMaskMat, rgbaMat, trans, rgbaMat.size (), Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR, Core.BORDER_TRANSPARENT, new Scalar (0));


Imgproc.putText (rgbaMat, "W:" + rgbaMat.width () + " H:" + rgbaMat.height () + " SO:" + Screen.orientation, new Point (5, rgbaMat.rows () - 10), Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, new Scalar (255, 255, 255, 255), 1, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false);

OpenCVForUnity.Utils.matToTexture2D (rgbaMat, texture, colors);




/// Raises the disable event.


void OnDisable ()


WebGLFileUploadManager.FileUploadEventHandler -= fileUploadHandler;

WebGLFileUploadManager.Dispose ();

webCamTextureToMatHelper.Dispose ();

if (cascade != null)

cascade.Dispose ();

if (rectangleTracker != null)

rectangleTracker.Dispose ();

if (faceLandmarkDetector != null)

faceLandmarkDetector.Dispose ();

if (frontalFaceParam != null)

frontalFaceParam.Dispose ();



/// Raises the back button event.


public void OnBackButton ()


#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER

SceneManager.LoadScene ("FaceMask");


Application.LoadLevel ("FaceMask");




/// Raises the play button event.


public void OnPlayButton ()


webCamTextureToMatHelper.Play ();



/// Raises the pause button event.


public void OnPauseButton ()


webCamTextureToMatHelper.Pause ();



/// Raises the change camera button event.


public void OnChangeCameraButton ()


webCamTextureToMatHelper.Init (null, webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestWidth, webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestHeight, !webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestIsFrontFacing);



/// Raises the is showing face rects toggle event.


public void OnIsShowingFaceRectsToggle ()


if (isShowingFaceRectsToggle.isOn) {

isShowingFaceRects = true;

} else {

isShowingFaceRects = false;




/// Raises the use Dlib face detector toggle event.


public void OnUseDlibFaceDetecterToggle ()


if (useDlibFaceDetecterToggle.isOn) {

useDlibFaceDetecter = true;

} else {

useDlibFaceDetecter = false;




/// Raises the is filtering non frontal faces toggle event.


public void OnIsFilteringNonFrontalFacesToggle ()


if (isFilteringNonFrontalFacesToggle.isOn) {

isFilteringNonFrontalFaces = true;

} else {

isFilteringNonFrontalFaces = false;




/// Raises the is showing debug face points toggle event.


public void OnIsShowingDebugFacePointsToggle ()


if (isShowingDebugFacePointsToggle.isOn) {

isShowingDebugFacePoints = true;

} else {

isShowingDebugFacePoints = false;




/// Raises the set face mask button event.


public void OnChangeFaceMaskButton ()


removeFaceMask ();

ExampleMaskData maskData = ExampleDataSet.GetData();

faceMaskTexture = Resources.Load (maskData.FileName) as Texture2D;

faceMaskMat = new Mat (faceMaskTexture.height, faceMaskTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC4);

OpenCVForUnity.Utils.texture2DToMat (faceMaskTexture, faceMaskMat);

Debug.Log ("faceMaskMat ToString " + faceMaskMat.ToString ());

if(maskData.LandmarkPoints != null){

faceRectInMask = maskData.FaceRect;

faceLandmarkPointsInMask = maskData.LandmarkPoints;


faceRectInMask = detectFace (faceMaskMat);

faceLandmarkPointsInMask = detectFaceLandmarkPoints (faceMaskMat, faceRectInMask);



if (faceRectInMask.width == 0 && faceRectInMask.height == 0){

removeFaceMask ();

Debug.Log ("A face could not be detected from the input image.");





//MeshFilter mf = createFaceMesh(faceMaskTexture.width, faceMaskTexture.height);

//ObjExporter.MeshToFile(mf, "Assets/FaceMaskExample/Resources/FaceMesh.obj");



/// Raises the scan face mask button event.


public void OnScanFaceMaskButton ()


removeFaceMask ();

// Capture webcam frame.

if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying ()) {

Mat rgbaMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat ();

faceRectInMask = detectFace (rgbaMat);

if (faceRectInMask.width == 0 && faceRectInMask.height == 0){

Debug.Log ("A face could not be detected from the input image.");



OpenCVForUnity.Rect rect = new OpenCVForUnity.Rect((int)faceRectInMask.x, (int)faceRectInMask.y, (int)faceRectInMask.width, (int)faceRectInMask.height);

rect.inflate(rect.x/5, rect.y/5);

rect = rect.intersect(new OpenCVForUnity.Rect(0,0,rgbaMat.width(),rgbaMat.height()));

faceMaskTexture = new Texture2D (rect.width, rect.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

faceMaskMat = new Mat(rgbaMat, rect).clone ();

OpenCVForUnity.Utils.matToTexture2D(faceMaskMat, faceMaskTexture);

Debug.Log ("faceMaskMat ToString " + faceMaskMat.ToString ());

faceRectInMask = detectFace (faceMaskMat);

faceLandmarkPointsInMask = detectFaceLandmarkPoints (faceMaskMat, faceRectInMask);

if (faceRectInMask.width == 0 && faceRectInMask.height == 0){

removeFaceMask ();

Debug.Log ("A face could not be detected from the input image.");





/// Raises the upload face mask button event.


public void OnUploadFaceMaskButton ()


WebGLFileUploadManager.PopupDialog (null, "Select frontal face image file (.png|.jpg|.gif)");



/// Raises the remove face mask button event.


public void OnRemoveFaceMaskButton ()


removeFaceMask ();


private void removeFaceMask ()


faceMaskTexture = null;

if (faceMaskMat != null) {

faceMaskMat.Dispose ();

faceMaskMat = null;


rectangleTracker.Reset ();

meshOverlay.Reset ();



/// Files the upload handler.


/// Result.

private void fileUploadHandler (UploadedFileInfo[] result)


if (result.Length == 0) {

Debug.Log ("File upload Error!");



removeFaceMask ();

foreach (UploadedFileInfo file in result) {

if (file.isSuccess) {

Debug.Log ("file.filePath: " + file.filePath + " exists:" + File.Exists (file.filePath));

faceMaskTexture = new Texture2D (2, 2);

byte[] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes (file.filePath);

faceMaskTexture.LoadImage (byteArray);




if (faceMaskTexture != null) {

faceMaskMat = new Mat (faceMaskTexture.height, faceMaskTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC4);

OpenCVForUnity.Utils.texture2DToMat (faceMaskTexture, faceMaskMat);

Debug.Log ("faceMaskMat ToString " + faceMaskMat.ToString ());

faceRectInMask = detectFace (faceMaskMat);

faceLandmarkPointsInMask = detectFaceLandmarkPoints (faceMaskMat, faceRectInMask);

if (faceRectInMask.width == 0 && faceRectInMask.height == 0){

removeFaceMask ();

Debug.Log ("A face could not be detected from the input image.");




private UnityEngine.Rect detectFace (Mat mat)


if (useDlibFaceDetecter) {

OpenCVForUnityUtils.SetImage (faceLandmarkDetector, mat);

List result = faceLandmarkDetector.Detect ();

if (result.Count >= 1)

return result [0];

} else {

using (Mat grayMat = new Mat ())

using (Mat equalizeHistMat = new Mat ())

using (MatOfRect faces = new MatOfRect ()) {

// convert image to greyscale.

Imgproc.cvtColor (mat, grayMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY);

Imgproc.equalizeHist (grayMat, equalizeHistMat);

cascade.detectMultiScale (equalizeHistMat, faces, 1.1f, 2, 0 | Objdetect.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, new OpenCVForUnity.Size (equalizeHistMat.cols () * 0.15, equalizeHistMat.cols () * 0.15), new Size ());

List faceList = faces.toList ();

if (faceList.Count >= 1) {

UnityEngine.Rect r = new UnityEngine.Rect (faceList [0].x, faceList [0].y, faceList [0].width, faceList [0].height);

// Adjust to Dilb's result.

r.y += (int)(r.height * 0.1f);

return r;




return new UnityEngine.Rect ();


private List detectFaceLandmarkPoints (Mat mat, UnityEngine.Rect rect)


OpenCVForUnityUtils.SetImage (faceLandmarkDetector, mat);

List points = faceLandmarkDetector.DetectLandmark (rect);

return points;



private void dumpRect(UnityEngine.Rect rect){

string r = "new Rect(" + rect.x + ", " + rect.y + ", " + rect.width + ", " + rect.height + ")";

Debug.Log ("dumpRect:" + "\n" + r);


private void dumpVector2(List points){

string p = "";

int i = 0;

foreach (var item in points) {

p += "new Vector2(" + "" + item.x + ", " + item.y + "),\n";



Debug.Log ("dumpMeshVector2:" + "\n" + p);


private void dumpVector3(List points){

string p = "";

int i = 0;

foreach (var item in points) {

//p += ", " + i + ":" + item;

p += "new Vector3(" + "" + item.x + ", " + item.y + "),\n";



Debug.Log ("dumpMeshVector3:" + "\n" + p);


private MeshFilter createFaceMesh (float textureWidth, float textureHeight)


GameObject newObj = new GameObject("FaceMesh");

MeshFilter meshFilter = newObj.AddComponent();


MeshRenderer meshRenderer = newObj.AddComponent();

meshRenderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Hide/FadeShader"));

Vector3[] vertices2 = (Vector3[])vertices.Clone();

for (int j = 0; j < vertices2.Length; j++) {

vertices2 [j].x = vertices2 [j].x - textureWidth/2;

vertices2 [j].y = textureHeight/2 - vertices2 [j].y;


//Flip X axis

for (int j = 0; j < vertices2.Length; j++) {

vertices2 [j].x = -vertices2 [j].x;


meshFilter.mesh.vertices = vertices2;


//Flip X axis

for (int j = 0; j < triangles.Length; j=j+3) {

int a = triangles [j+1];

int b = triangles [j+2];

triangles [j+1] = b;

triangles [j+2] = a;


meshFilter.mesh.triangles = triangles;


Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[68];

for (int j = 0; j < uv.Length; j++) {

uv [j].x = vertices[j].x / textureWidth;

uv [j].y = (textureHeight - vertices[j].y) / textureHeight;


meshFilter.mesh.uv = uv;

meshFilter.mesh.RecalculateBounds ();

meshFilter.mesh.RecalculateNormals ();

return meshFilter;






