1000字范文 > 【源码】漫威最新热门电影《奇异博士》的LDA主题影评模型


时间:2021-10-13 19:48:24



漫威最近将他们的新超级英雄电影《奇异博士》改编成现实。在电影院观赏之前,我想对这部电影有一些了解。我可以通过从互联网上阅读一些评论来做到这一点。为了确保自己的惊喜不会被破坏,我使用LDA主题建模来调查电影评论集中讨论的主题。我去了网站《rotten tomatoes》,这是最好的电影评论平台之一。我复制了平台上顶尖评论家写的几篇评论。我将这些数据保存在csv文件中,并使用LDA主题模型来表示主题。我在一个word cloud中表示了我的结果,可以在我上传的文件中看到。在我看来,评论家们讨论了两个主要话题;1、电影主题和2、具体细节。

Marvel recently realsed their new super hero movie, Dr. Strange. I wanted to have some insight about the movie before watching in the cinema. This I could do by reading some reviews from the internet but with that I would risk finding spoilers. To make sure that I do not spoil the surprise, I used LDA topic modeling to investigate what topics are being discussed in a collection of the movie reviews. I went on rotten tomatoes, which is one of the best platforms for movie review. I copied several reviews writen by the top critics on the platform. This data I saved in a csv file and use LDA topic model to represent the topics. I represented my result in a word cloud which can be seen in the files I have uploaded. It seemed to me that the critics have discussed 2 main topics; 1. The theme of the movie and 2. The details of its production. For me, the coast is clear! and I am now able to read the reviews without fear of finding any spoilers.


/f/1850492-582366182-eefe99?p=3660 (访问密码: 3660)
