1000字范文 > 便携式文件加密器注册码_使用便携式文件加密工具安全地存储私人文件


时间:2019-06-09 19:52:54




If you work on multiple computers, you probably cart your data and portable programs around on a USB flash drive. Wouldn’t it be handy to have an easy-to-use portable method of storing and accessing your private files?

如果您在多台计算机上工作,则可能会将数据和可移植程序放在USB闪存驱动器上。 拥有一种易于使用的便携式方法来存储和访问您的私有文件是否方便?

We have previously shown you how to use TrueCrypt to protect data on a USB flash drive. When you run TrueCrypt in Traveler Disk mode, you need to have administrator rights on the computer you are using.

前面我们已经向您展示了如何使用TrueCrypt保护USB闪存驱动器上的数据。 当您在Traveler Disk模式下运行TrueCrypt时,您需要在使用的计算机上具有管理员权限。

We found another program, called FreeOTFE, which also creates encrypted volumes similar to TrueCrypt. FreeOTFE offers a portable mode, like TrueCrypt, which temporarily installs the necessary drivers, and requires administrator rights to run. However, the advantage of FreeOTFE over TrueCrypt is that FreeOTFE offers their FreeOTFE Explorer program that does not require administrator rights to run. It does not install any drivers. FreeOTFE Explorer is a more limited version of FreeOTFE that allows you to access the files in your .vol file, but it does not assign a drive letter to your volume. Any files accessed in a volume using FreeOTFE Explorer must be extracted first before opening.

我们找到了另一个名为FreeOTFE的程序,该程序还创建类似于TrueCrypt的加密卷。 FreeOTFE提供了一种可移植模式,例如TrueCrypt,可临时安装必要的驱动程序,并且需要管理员权限才能运行。 但是,与TrueCrypt相比,FreeOTFE的优点在于FreeOTFE提供了不需要管理员权限即可运行的FreeOTFE Explorer程序。 它不安装任何驱动程序。 FreeOTFE Explorer是FreeOTFE的受限版本,它允许您访问.vol文件中的文件,但不会为卷分配驱动器号。 在打开之前,必须首先提取使用FreeOTFE Explorer在卷中访问的所有文件。

In this article, we show you how to use the main FreeOTFE program (we just call it FreeOTFE). The FreeOTFE Explorer program is fairly easy to figure out. You can use both versions of FreeOTFE, interchangeably. The .vol files you create for storing your files can be opened by both FreeOTFE and FreeOTFE Explorer.

在本文中,我们向您展示如何使用主要的FreeOTFE程序(我们简称为FreeOTFE)。 FreeOTFE Explorer程序很容易找出。 您可以互换使用两个版本的FreeOTFE。 FreeOTFE和FreeOTFE Explorer都可以打开为存储文件而创建的.vol文件。

Download FreeOTFE and FreeOTFE Explorer from .

从下载FreeOTFE和FreeOTFE Explorer。

To run FreeOTFE, you must have administrator rights. Right-click on the FreeOTFE.exe file and select Run as administrator from the popup menu.

要运行FreeOTFE,您必须具有管理员权限。 右键单击FreeOTFE.exe文件,然后从弹出菜单中选择“以管理员身份运行”。

NOTE: If you don’t have administrator rights, use the FreeOTFE Explorer program.

注意:如果您没有管理员权限,请使用FreeOTFE Explorer程序。

If theUser Account Controldialog box displays, clickYesto continue.


NOTE:You may not see this dialog box, depending on yourUser Account Control settings.


FreeOTFE temporarily installs drivers to run. Click Yes on the Confirm dialog box to install these drivers.

FreeOTFE会临时安装要运行的驱动程序。 在“确认”对话框中单击“是”以安装这些驱动程序。

NOTE: When you exit the program you are prompted to uninstall the drivers. No permanent changes are made to the computer you are using.

注意:退出程序时,系统会提示您卸载驱动程序。 不会对您使用的计算机进行永久更改。

If you click No, choosing not to run FreeOTFE in portable mode, the following dialog box displays telling you where to find instructions for installing the drivers. FreeOTFE cannot run without these drivers (FreeOTFE Explorer can).

如果单击“否”,选择不以可移植模式运行FreeOTFE,则会显示以下对话框,告诉您在哪里可以找到安装驱动程序的说明。 没有这些驱动程序,FreeOTFE无法运行(FreeOTFE Explorer可以)。

If you did not run FreeOTFE using the Run as administrator command, the following dialog box displays. FreeOTFE opens; however, you cannot perform any actions in the program. Exit the program (select Exit from the File menu) and run the program again using the Run as administrator command.

如果未使用“以管理员身份运行”命令运行FreeOTFE,则会显示以下对话框。 FreeOTFE打开; 但是,您无法在程序中执行任何操作。 退出程序(从“文件”菜单中选择“退出”),然后使用“以管理员身份运行”命令再次运行该程序。

Once FreeOTFE is open, click New to create a new volume file in which you can securely store your private files.


The Volume Creation Wizard displays. Click Next to continue.

将显示“卷创建向导”。 单击下一步继续。

Select whether you want to create a volume file (which is portable) or whether you want to encrypt a partition or an entire disk. For this example, we created a Volume file. Select Volume file and click Next.

选择是要创建卷文件(可移植的)还是要对分区或整个磁盘进行加密。 对于此示例,我们创建了一个Volume文件。 选择卷文件,然后单击下一步。

To specify a name for your volume file, click Browse.


Navigate to where you want to save your volume file, enter a name for the file in the File name edit box and click Save. We chose to store our volume file in a Volumes folder in the same folder as the FreeOTFE program. This makes it easy to take the program and your volume files with you on a USB flash drive, as we will illustrate later in this article.

导航到要保存卷文件的位置,在“文件名”编辑框中输入文件的名称,然后单击“保存”。 我们选择将卷文件存储在与FreeOTFE程序相同的文件夹中的Volumes文件夹中。 这使得将程序和您的卷文件随身携带到USB闪存驱动器上变得很容易,正如我们将在本文后面介绍的那样。

The full path to the volume file displays in the Volume filename box. Click Next to continue.

卷文件的完整路径显示在“卷文件名”框中。 单击下一步继续。

Enter the desired size for the volume in the edit box and select whether you want the size to be in bytes, KB, MB, GB, or TB from the drop-down list.


The next screen displays the available security options. If you’re not sure which ones to select, just accept the default options. They are usually sufficient for most users. Click Next.

下一个屏幕显示可用的安全选项。 如果不确定要选择哪些选项,只需接受默认选项即可。 对于大多数用户来说,它们通常就足够了。 点击下一步。

When creating the new volume, FreeOTFE uses some random data for the items listed on the screen. By default, Microsoft CryptoAPI is selected. If you also want to generate additional random data using your mouse. select Mouse movement. To save time, for this example, we did not choose the Mouse movement option. It takes a while to generate the random data using that method. However, for greater security, we recommend you take the time and use the Mouse movement option. Click Next.

当创建新卷时,FreeOTFE使用一些随机数据作为屏幕上列出的项目。 默认情况下,选择Microsoft CryptoAPI。 如果您还想使用鼠标生成其他随机数据。 选择鼠标移动。 为了节省时间,在此示例中,我们没有选择“鼠标移动”选项。 使用该方法需要一段时间才能生成随机数据。 但是,为了提高安全性,建议您花点时间并使用“鼠标移动”选项。 点击下一步。

If you chose to generate random data by moving your mouse, the following screen displays. To generate the data, wiggle your mouse around in the white box on the screen until the total number of random bits required (listed below the box) have been generated. Click Next when you are finished.

如果您选择通过移动鼠标来生成随机数据,则会显示以下屏幕。 要生成数据,请在屏幕上的白色框中四处晃动鼠标,直到生成了所需的随机位总数(在框下方列出)为止。 完成后,单击“下一步”。

Enter a password for the volume once in the Password box and again in the Confirm password box. DO NOT press Enter after entering your password in either box. That will add Enter as a character in your password. Click Next to continue.

在“密码”框中输入一次该卷的密码,然后在“确认密码”框中再次输入。 在任一框中输入密码后,请勿按Enter。 这会将Enter作为字符添加到您的密码中。 单击下一步继续。

A summary of the settings to be used for the new volume are listed on the next screen. To mount the volume immediately after it is created, select the Mount volume after creation check box. For this example, we recommend you select this option.

在下一个屏幕上列出了用于新卷的设置摘要。 要在创建卷后立即挂载,请选中“创建后挂载卷”复选框。 对于此示例,我们建议您选择此选项。

You can also specify a specific drive letter to always be used (when available) for this volume. To do this, click Advanced.

您还可以指定一个特定的驱动器号,以便始终为此卷使用它(如果有)。 为此,请单击“高级”。

Click the Drive Letter tab on the Advanced Options dialog box. Select a drive letter from the drop-down list. It is a good idea to select a drive letter that is unlikely to be used on most computers, if you want to use the same drive letter every time you mount the volume. We used E: as an example, but a letter later in the alphabet might be a better choice. Click OK when you have chosen a drive letter.

单击高级选项对话框上的驱动器号选项卡。 从下拉列表中选择一个驱动器号。 如果要在每次装入该卷时都使用相同的驱动器号,则选择一个不太可能在大多数计算机上使用的驱动器号是一个好主意。 我们以E:为例,但是字母表后面的字母可能是一个更好的选择。 选择驱动器号后,单击“确定”。

You are returned to the summary screen on the Volume Creation Wizard. Click Finish to create your new volume.

您将返回到“卷创建向导”上的摘要屏幕。 单击完成以创建新卷。

A dialog box displays when the volume has been created. You are advised to format the volume, just as you would a regular drive, and to overwrite the volume’s free space before using the volume to store files. Click OK.

创建卷后,将显示一个对话框。 建议您像使用普通驱动器一样格式化该卷,并在使用该卷存储文件之前覆盖该卷的可用空间。 单击确定。

To format the volume, select the volume in the list on the Free OTFE main window, and select Format from the Tools menu.

要格式化该卷,请在Free OTFE主窗口的列表中选择该卷,然后从“工具”菜单中选择“格式化”。

The Format dialog box displays. Accept the default options and enter a Volume label for the volume. Click Start.

显示格式对话框。 接受默认选项,然后输入该卷的“卷”标签。 单击开始。

A warning dialog box displays telling you that all data will be erased. Because there is no data in this volume, yet, this is fine. Click OK.

显示警告对话框,告诉您所有数据将被删除。 因为此卷中没有数据,所以很好。 单击确定。

Click OK on the dialog box that displays telling you the formatting process is complete. You are returned to the Format dialog box. Click Close.

在显示的对话框中单击“确定”,以告知您格式化过程已完成。 您将返回到“格式”对话框。 单击关闭。

To overwrite the free space of the volume with random data, select Overwrite free space from the Tools menu.


The Select Type of Overwrite dialog box displays. Select the type of random data you want to use. We selected the more secure Encrypted data option and selected the AES (256 bit XTS) option from the drop-down list. That is a commonly used secure cypher method. Click OK.

将显示“选择覆盖类型”对话框。 选择您要使用的随机数据的类型。 我们选择了更安全的“加密数据”选项,并从下拉列表中选择了AES(256位XTS)选项。 那是一种常用的安全密码方法。 单击确定。

If you chose the Encrypted data option, the Random Data Generation dialog box displays. Again, to generate random data, wiggle your mouse in the white box until 512 bits have been generated. Your progress is listed below the box. When the required bits have been generated, click OK.

如果选择了“加密数据”选项,则会显示“随机数据生成”对话框。 同样,要生成随机数据,请在白框中摆动鼠标,直到生成512位为止。 您的进度列在方框下方。 生成所需的位后,单击“确定”。

A Confirm dialog box displays warning you that the overwriting process may take a long time if you created a large volume. Because our volume is only 100 MB, it shouldn’t take long. Click Yes.

出现“确认”对话框,警告您,如果创建的卷很大,则覆盖过程可能会花费很长时间。 因为我们的卷只有100 MB,所以不需要很长时间。 单击是。

A dialog box displays showing you approximately how much time remains in the overwriting process.


When the overwriting process is finished, click OK on the confirmation dialog box that displays. If you chose to mount your new volume after it was created, it is listed on the FreeOTFE window.

覆盖过程完成后,在显示的确认对话框中单击“确定”。 如果您选择在创建新卷后挂载它,它将在FreeOTFE窗口中列出。

The volume displays in the Hard Disk Drives section in Windows Explorer. You can double-click on it to access it like any other drive listed.

该卷显示在Windows资源管理器的“硬盘驱动器”部分中。 您可以双击它来访问它,就像列出的任何其他驱动器一样。

NOTE: This is one area where FreeOTFE and FreeOTFE Explorer differs. FreeOTFE Explorer does not mount volumes using drive letters. You have to mount the drive in the FreeOTFE Explorer program.

注意:这是FreeOTFE和FreeOTFE Explorer有所不同的地方。 FreeOTFE Explorer不会使用驱动器号装载卷。 您必须在FreeOTFE Explorer程序中安装驱动器。

You can copy and paste files into the volume, or drive and you can open files in your volume and edit them like you would files on any other drive.


NOTE: Another difference between FreeOTFE and FreeOTFE Explorer is that you cannot copy and paste files or open files directly from within the volume. To access files in a volume when using FreeOTFE Explorer, you must extract the files first. If you do this, we recommend that you securely delete the files you extracted once you import them back into your volume after making changes.

注意:FreeOTFE和FreeOTFE Explorer之间的另一个区别是,您不能直接从卷内复制和粘贴文件或打开文件。 要在使用FreeOTFE Explorer时访问卷中的文件,必须首先提取文件。 如果这样做,我们建议您在更改后将提取的文件重新导入到卷中,以安全地删除提取的文件。

To dismount a volume, “locking up” your files again, click Dismount. You may see a dialog box warning you that you must force dismount the volume. Make sure all Windows Explorer windows and other windows accessing the volume are closed and that all files in the volume are closed. If you have done this and you still get the warning, you should be alright to force a dismount.

要卸载卷,请再次“锁定”文件,单击“卸载”。 您可能会看到一个对话框,警告您必须强行卸下该卷。 确保所有Windows Explorer窗口和其他访问该卷的窗口都已关闭,并且该卷中的所有文件都已关闭。 如果您已完成此操作,但仍收到警告,则可以强行下马。

You can easily change the password and details for the volume. Before doing this, make sure the volume is dismounted. To change the password or details, select Change volume/keyfile password/details from the Tools menu. A wizard similar to the Volume Creation Wizard displays. Follow the instructions on each screen.

您可以轻松更改该卷的密码和详细信息。 在执行此操作之前,请确保已卸除该卷。 若要更改密码或详细信息,请从“工具”菜单中选择“更改卷/密钥文件密码/详细信息”。 显示类似于卷创建向导的向导。 按照每个屏幕上的说明进行操作。

To change options for FreeOTFE, select Options from the View menu.


There are many options available on the Options dialog box allowing you to customize FreeOTFE. If you change settings from the defaults, it is a good idea to save your settings. We selected to save the settings to a File in FreeOTFE directory, so our settings will be available wherever we use FreeOTFE.

“选项”对话框上有许多可用的选项,可让您自定义FreeOTFE。 如果您更改默认设置,则最好保存设置。 我们选择将设置保存到FreeOTFE目录中的文件中,因此无论使用FreeOTFE的位置如何,我们的设置都可用。

If you have not selected an option to Save above settings to when you click OK to close the Options dialog box, the following Warning dialog box displays. If you indicate you want your settings to be persistent by clicking Yes, you are returned to the Options dialog box. Select an option for saving the settings and click OK again.

如果在单击“确定”关闭“选项”对话框时尚未选择“将上述设置保存到”的选项,则会显示以下“警告”对话框。 如果通过单击“是”表示希望保留设置,则将返回“选项”对话框。 选择一个保存设置的选项,然后再次单击“确定”。

The Options dialog box provides an option for associating the .vol files with FreeOTFE. However, when we tried this and then tried to double-click on a .vol file to mount it, the file was not listed in FreeOTFE. We had FreeOTFE open at the time, which is necessary so the drivers are loaded. Because this feature doesn’t seem to work well, we recommend you mount volumes using the Mount file button in FreeOTFE.

“选项”对话框提供了用于将.vol文件与FreeOTFE关联的选项。 但是,当我们尝试此操作然后尝试双击.vol文件以将其装入时,该文件未在FreeOTFE中列出。 当时我们打开了FreeOTFE,这是必需的,因此驱动程序已加载。 由于此功能似乎无法正常运行,因此建议您使用FreeOTFE中的“挂载文件”按钮挂载卷。

Find your volume file on the Open dialog box, select it, and click Open.


The Key Entry dialog box displays for you to enter your password to mount the volume. FreeOTFE allows you to also use a keyfile in addition to a password using the Create keyfile option on the Tools menu. If you decide to create a keyfile for your volume, use the … button to select your keyfile. You can also select a different drive letter using the Drive drop-down list. Click OK.

显示“密钥输入”对话框,供您输入密码以装入该卷。 FreeOTFE允许您使用“工具”菜单上的“创建密钥文件”选项,除密码外还使用密钥文件。 如果决定为卷创建密钥文件,请使用…按钮选择密钥文件。 您也可以使用“驱动器”下拉列表选择其他驱动器号。 单击确定。

A dialog box displays confirming the drive letter used when mounting your volume. Click OK.

将显示一个对话框,确认装入卷时使用的驱动器号。 单击确定。

To easily copy FreeOTFE to your USB flash drive, select Copy FreeOTFE to USB drive from the Tools menu.


NOTE: This is where it is convenient to have stored your volumes in the FreeOTFE directory. They will be copied along with the program to the USB flash drive.

注意:这是将卷存储在FreeOTFE目录中的方便位置。 它们将与程序一起复制到USB闪存驱动器。

The Copy FreeOTFE to USB Drive dialog box displays. If you have more than one USB flash drive connected to your computer, choose which one to use from the Drive drop-down list. If you insert another one at this point, click Refresh to add it to the list. If you choose the default path, FreeOTFE will be copied to a FreeOTFE directory on the root of your flash drive. To select a different location, use the … button.

显示将FreeOTFE复制到USB驱动器对话框。 如果您的计算机连接了多个USB闪存驱动器,请从“驱动器”下拉列表中选择要使用的USB闪存驱动器。 如果此时插入另一个,请单击“刷新”以将其添加到列表中。 如果选择默认路径,则FreeOTFE将被复制到闪存驱动器根目录下的FreeOTFE目录中。 要选择其他位置,请使用…按钮。

You can choose to automatically run FreeOTFE when you insert your USB flash drive into a computer by selecting the Setup autorun.inf to launch FreeOTFE when drive inserted check box. You can also hide the autorun.inf file. We did not choose these options, as we have a lot of other data and portable programs on our USB flash drive and may not always want to run FreeOTFE immediately.

您可以选择将USB闪存驱动器插入计算机时自动运行FreeOTFE,方法是:选中Setup autorun.inf以在驱动器插入时启动FreeOTFE复选框。 您也可以隐藏autorun.inf文件。 我们没有选择这些选项,因为我们的USB闪存驱动器上还有许多其他数据和可移植程序,并且可能并不总是希望立即运行FreeOTFE。

When you click OK, the progress of the copying of the program files displays, and a dialog box displays telling you when the files have been copied.


To close FreeOTFE, select Exit from the File menu.


You are prompted to shutdown portable mode before the program exits. This uninstalls the drivers that were temporarily installed. Click Yes to uninstall the drivers.

在程序退出之前,系统将提示您关闭可移植模式。 这将卸载临时安装的驱动程序。 单击“是”以卸载驱动程序。

Using both FreeOTFE and FreeOTFE Explorer, you can easily take your private files with you and access them on any Windows computer, whether you have administrative rights on that computer or not. There is a PDF manual available for download for both programs that will help you with the features we did not cover here.

使用FreeOTFE和FreeOTFE Explorer,您可以轻松携带私人文件,并在任何Windows计算机上访问它们,无论您是否对该计算机具有管理权限。 这两个程序都有可供下载的PDF手册,可帮助您使用此处未介绍的功能。

翻译自: /72323/store-private-files-securely-using-a-portable-file-encryption-tool/

