1000字范文 > android ai机器人demo Dobot二次开发Demo

android ai机器人demo Dobot二次开发Demo

时间:2022-03-30 17:38:19


android ai机器人demo Dobot二次开发Demo

总览 开发者可以使用Dobot进行二次开发,实现各种不同的功能。本文教大家使用Arduino MEGA2560对Dobot进行简单的二次开发。


图1 接线方式


STEP 1: 客户端下发指令的格式

1、蓝牙模块有两个焊盘,先将这两个焊盘短接,再上电,即可进入蓝牙模块的命令模式。Dobot通讯指令采用固定帧格式,每帧数据共(2 + 4 * 10) = 42个字节,其中包括包头(0xA5)、包尾(0x5A)和 10 个参数,所有参数均为单精度浮点型(32 位),每个参数大小为4个字节(除语音控制指令,语音控制指令的包头(0xB5)和包尾(0x5B))。如下:

图2 指令格式

因此我们可以先定义两个数组,一个是42字节的用于发送给机械臂的,另一个包含10个浮点型参数。这样我们就可以通过控制这10个变量来控制机械臂的运动模式、速度以及加速度参数。具体定义如下:static float cmd_str_10[10];

static unsigned char cmd_str_42[42];

// Send a 42 byte data packet to the dobot according to the communication protocol.

void cmd_str_42_send()


cmd_str_42[0] = 0xA5;

for( char I = 0; I < 10; I++ )


*((float *)(cmd_str_42 + 1 + 4*I)) = float( cmd_str_10[I] );


cmd_str_42[41] = 0x5A;

for( char I = 0; I < 42; I++ )


Serial1.write( cmd_str_42[I] );



STEP 2: 参数配置 在控制机械臂运动之前需要先发送配置指令,对运动参数进行配置。现在我们利用上面定义的数组,来配置机械臂的运动参数。根据协议,state=9时为运动参数配置。如下图:

图3 参数配置

为了简化起见,我们这里选择Axis=0,并仅对单轴点动速度和单轴点动加速度进行配置,其余保持默认。程序示例如下://Set parameters of Dobot with state 9.

void dobot_cmd_3( int mode= 0, int Joint_jog_speed=0, int Joint_jog_acc=0){

for( char i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){

cmd_str_10[i] = 0;


// refer to protocal file for detail

cmd_str_10[0] = 9;

cmd_str_10[1] = mode;

cmd_str_10[2] = Joint_jog_speed;

cmd_str_10[3] = Joint_jog_acc;



STEP 3: 点动模式demo


图4 点动模式参数说明

图5 点动模式参数说明


** demo that dobot controled by another Arduino MEGA 2560

** with dobot firmware V1.2.0


** connections:

** dobot side(Wireless port) | another Arduino side(UART1 port)

** GND ------ GND

** TX ------ TX1

** RX ------ RX1

** note: if another Arduino is self powered by USB or 12V, just connect above 3 lines is OK

** if another Arduino has no USB or 12V power, another connection between VCC ------ 5V is needed.


** 0523


static float cmd_str_10[10];

static unsigned char cmd_str_42[42];

// Send a 42 byte data packet to the dobot according to the communication protocol.

void cmd_str_42_send()


cmd_str_42[0] = 0xA5;

for( char i = 0; i < 10; i++ )


*((float *)(cmd_str_42 + 1 + 4*i)) = float( cmd_str_10[i] );


cmd_str_42[41] = 0x5A;

for( char i = 0; i < 42; i++ )


Serial1.write( cmd_str_42[i] );



//Set parameters of Dobot with state 9.

void dobot_cmd_3( int mode= 0, int Joint_jog_speed=0, int Joint_jog_acc=0){

for( char i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){

cmd_str_10[i] = 0;


// refer to protocal file for detail

cmd_str_10[0] = 9;

cmd_str_10[1] = mode;

cmd_str_10[2] = Joint_jog_speed;

cmd_str_10[3] = Joint_jog_acc;



//Set joint jog mode with state 2.

void dobot_cmd_2( int axis= 0, int StartVe= 0 ){

for( char i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){

cmd_str_10[i] = 0;


// refer to protocal file for detail

cmd_str_10[0] = 2;

cmd_str_10[1] = axis;

cmd_str_10[7] = StartVe;



void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:

// Serial1 connected with dobot



void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

// wait dobot init...

delay( 1000 );

dobot_cmd_2( 0,0); // button released

dobot_cmd_3( 0,50,100); //configure the joint jog speed and the joint jog acceleration before controlling the dobot to move.

// move 3 loop

for( char i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){

dobot_cmd_2( 3,50); // joint1+(CCW)

// here just delay a few time between two cmd send simply

// for better performance, next cmd can be send out if a new frame on rxd is received


dobot_cmd_2( 0,0);// button released

delay(1000); //decelerate

dobot_cmd_2( 4,50);//joint1-(CW)


dobot_cmd_2( 0,0);// button released

delay(1000); //decelerate





STEP 4: 存点回放模式demo 同样,我们可以依据通信协议,设定Dobot的一系列运动坐标,让其自动回放动作。我们这里采用视觉运动模式3,使dobot在Z轴方向上下来回运动3次。程序范例如下:/*

** demo that dobot controled by another Arduino MEGA 2560

** with dobot firmware V1.2.0


** connections:

** dobot side(Wireless port) | another Arduino side(UART1 port)

** GND ------ GND

** TX ------ TX1

** RX ------ RX1

** note: if another Arduino is self powered by USB or 12V, just connect above 3 lines is OK

** if another Arduino has no USB or 12V power, another connection between VCC ------ 5V is needed.


** 0523


static float cmd_str_10[10];

static unsigned char cmd_str_42[42];

// Send a 42 byte data packet to the dobot according to the communication protocol.

void cmd_str_42_send(){

cmd_str_42[0] = 0xA5;

for( char i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){

*((float *)(cmd_str_42 + 1 + 4*i)) = float( cmd_str_10[i] );


cmd_str_42[41] = 0x5A;

for( char i = 0; i < 42; i++ ){

Serial1.write( cmd_str_42[i] );



//Set target moving mode with state 3.

void dobot_cmd_3( float x = 260, float y = 0, float z = 0 ){

for( char i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){

cmd_str_10[i] = 0;


// Set the X/Y/Z coordinates of the end effector, please refer to protocal file for details.

cmd_str_10[0] = 3;

cmd_str_10[2] = x; //x

cmd_str_10[3] = y; //y

cmd_str_10[4] = z; //z

cmd_str_10[7] = 2; //MOVL



void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:

// Serial1 connected with dobot



void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

// wait dobot init...

delay( 2000 );

dobot_cmd_3( 260, 0, 30 ); // set the initial position of the end effector

// repeat 3 times

for( char i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){

dobot_cmd_3( 260, 0, 0 );//lower down the end effector

// here just delay a few time between two cmd send simply

// for better performance, next cmd can be send out if a new frame on rxd is received


dobot_cmd_3( 260, 0, 30 );// lift the end effector



// end


