1000字范文 > kindle导出电子书pc_使用Kindle for PC在计算机上阅读Kindle电子书

kindle导出电子书pc_使用Kindle for PC在计算机上阅读Kindle电子书

时间:2021-04-09 12:09:12


kindle导出电子书pc_使用Kindle for PC在计算机上阅读Kindle电子书


Do you already own a Kindle or thinking about purchasing one? To day we look at a free E-Reader app from Amazon that allows you to purchase and read books from the Kindle Store, and makes syncing your computer and Kindle easier.

您是否已经拥有Kindle或正在考虑购买Kindle? 如今,我们为您提供了一个免费的亚马逊电子阅读器应用程序,该应用程序可让您从Kindle商店购买和阅读书籍,并使计算机和Kindle的同步更加轻松。

Note: Windows Only. Mac version coming soon.


Kindle for PC


This handy E-Reader is completely free and installs quickly.


Once it’s ready to go, you’re prompted to sign into your Amazon account. If you don’t have an account and don’t care to sign up for one, you can continue without registering.

准备就绪后,系统会提示您登录您的Amazon帐户。 如果您没有帐户,也不想注册一个帐户,则无需注册即可继续。

After signing in you will see the user interface with a couple of balloon tips to get you started. The interface is very slick and intuitive compared to other E-Readers out there.

登录后,您将看到带有一些提示框的用户界面,以帮助您入门。 与其他电子阅读器相比,该界面非常流畅直观。

After you have a book loaded, you’ll get navigation controls, bookmarking, and “Go To” which lets you jump to a particular section of the book.


There are 10 different font sizes available.


You can bookmark any page in the book as well.


You can navigate through the pages with your mouse or simply use the arrow keys.


You can access the Jumplist on the Windows 7 taskbar and choose from recent books and other options.

您可以访问Windows 7任务栏上的跳转列表,并从最近的书籍和其他选项中选择。

Click on the Menu option on the upper right to access settings, sync items, manage your registered Kindle, and send feedback about the app.


Because it’s in Beta the developers want to hear from you how they can improve it.


Buy and Download a Book


To browse the Amazon store, click on Shop in Kindle Store from the Kindle for PC interface.

要浏览亚马逊商店,请从Kindle for PC界面单击在Kindle商店中购物。

When you find something you like, click on theBuy now with 1-click buttonand make sure its set to deliver to your Kindle for PC.

当您找到喜欢的东西时,请单击“一键购买立即购买”按钮,并确保将其设置交付给您的Kindle for PC。

Then on the order confirmation screen click on the Go toKindle for PC buttonto pull up the E-reader.


The Home page of the Kindle comes up and you’ll see what books have been downloaded and can monitor the download progress of the one you just bought.


Notice in the lower left corner of the reader you’ll see that it’s synching and checking for new items.


Another cool thing about the Whisperync feature is it lets you go to the last page you read of a book on the PC, a kindle device, or the iPhone app. So no matter where you read your books, there won’t be the hassle of finding where you left off.

Whisperync功能的另一件很酷的事情是,它使您可以转到在PC,Kindle设备或iPhone应用程序上阅读书籍的最后一页。 因此,无论您在哪里读书,都不会再麻烦找地方。

You can sync and check for new items at any time from the button next to the Menu.


Once you start getting a larger collection of books, you can sort them by Title, Author, and Most Recent.


It’s still in Beta, and there isn’t a search feature or the ability to make annotations yet, but overall it works pretty well and is easy to use.




As of this writing it will run on XP, Vista, and Windows 7 but they have a Mac version on the way. Amazon does say the ability to create notes, search, and rotate images in the near future. Another thing to mention is it can make use of theWindows Touchfeature in Windows 7, so if you have a touch screen laptop it essentially turns it into a free Kindle too. If you’re holding off on buying a Kindle and want to get a feel for how it all works, Kindle for PC is a good way to get started.

在撰写本文时,它将在XP,Vista和Windows 7上运行,但它们的Mac版本正在运行中。 亚马逊确实表示可以在不久的将来创建笔记,搜索和旋转图像。 值得一提的是它可以利用Windows 7中的Windows Touch功能,因此,如果您拥有触摸屏笔记本电脑,它实际上也可以将其变成免费的Kindle。 如果您不愿购买Kindle,并且想了解所有功能,那么Kindle for PC是入门的好方法。

Download Kindle for PC Beta

下载Kindle for PC Beta

翻译自: /howto/9192/read-kindle-books-on-your-computer-with-kindle-for-pc/

