1000字范文 > 新托福IBT词汇分类突破unit4


时间:2023-03-20 07:13:47



1、复习:听写、翻译 Unit2、3

basic approaches are use for spanning masonry wall are post-and-lintel construction,arch,vault and dome structure.-->Two basic approaches to spanning over masonry walls are post-and-lintel construction and arch, vault, and dome construction.span 横跨post-and-lintel 横过梁的--> n.连梁柱arch 拱vault 拱dome 穹窿

The career of Chicago architect Louis Sulluvan converge with the Chicago school of architect,which was given a challenge to invent high-rise building,known as skyscraper.This was facilitated by the introduction of the electirc elevator and the abundance of steel.The building's skeleton could be ereacted and remaining component quickly attached to complete the project.This was an immense advantage on high-rise building on busy city street.-->The Chicago architect Louis Sullivan's career converges with the so-called Chicago School of Architects, whose challenge was to invent the skyscraper or high-rise building, facilitated by the introduction of the electric elevator and the abundance of steel. The building's skeleton could be erected quickly and the remaining components hung on it to complete it, an immense advantage for high-rise buildings on busy city streets.architect 建筑师converge 聚合于school 学派skyscraper 摩天大楼facilitate 获得便利 -->提供便利electirc elevator 电梯 abundance 丰富skeleton 框架erect 坚立,建立component 构成,零件immense 巨大的

2、学习 Unit4:听写

interior design 室内设计dwelling 住所involve 包含aesthetic 美学的celling 屋顶 --> 天花板lamp 吊灯 -->灯curtain 窗帘blind 窗帘corridor 走廊doorway 门口niche 壁橱lamtch --> ledge 壁架grate -->壁炉ventilation -->通风设备terrace 阳台 staircase 楼梯 sewer 通风 -->排水沟drainer 下水道facade --> 外立面fountain 喷泉yard 庭院

The interior design of dwelling,such as apartment and house usually involve both parctical and aesthetic dicision.Choices have to be made for almost every element.From celling and lamp,curtain and blind,corridor and doorway,niche and lethch,grate and ventilation,terrace and statircase,and even sewer and drainer.Sometime the design work is for the facade and building,or even to garden landscaping and installing a fountain.-->Interior design of apartments and houses, that is, dwellings, usually involves both practical and aesthetic decisions. Choices have to be made for almost every element, ceilings and lamps, curtains and blinds, corridor and doorway, niches and ledges,grate and ventilations, terraces and staircases, even sewers or drainers.Sometimes such designs are extended to the facade of the building, and even to a fountain, or a gardening yard.
