1000字范文 > 量化交易软件:指标喷发整体特征的计算


时间:2024-06-28 13:23:07








我的前一篇文章《用 MQL5 绘制指标的喷发》讲述的是喷发绘制算法并指定其关键功能。我提醒一下大家:






图 1. 指标喷发标绘示例左:DCMV 指标的喷发。右:iMA 与 iEnvelopes 指标的喷发。


//--- external variable for storing averaging period of the iEnvelopes indicator input int ma_period=140; // averaging period of the iEnvelopes indicator //--- array for storing deviations of the iEnvelopes indicator double ENV[]={0.01,0.0165,0.0273,0.0452,0.0747,01234,0.204,0.3373,0.5576,0.9217,1.5237}; //--- array for storing iMA indicator periods int MA[]={4,7,11,19,31,51,85};


现在,指标已选取,赫兹量化继续创建一个 EA 交易,将来用其充当喷发分析的一个基础程序。我们需要从 iMA 和 iEnvelopes 技术指标中获取计算得出的数据。我提议使用《在 EA 交易中使用技术指标的指南》一文中讲到的一种方法。


//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| emission_of_MA_envelope.mq5 | //| Copyright , DC | //| /ru/users/DC | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright , DC" #property link "/ru/users/DC" #property version "1.00" //--- #include <GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh> #include <Emission.mqh> //--- external variable for storing averaging period of the iEnvelopes indicator input int ma_period=140; // averaging period of the iEnvelopes indicator //--- array for storing deviations of the iEnvelopes indicator double ENV[]={0.01,0.0165,0.0273,0.0452,0.0747,01234,0.204,0.3373,0.5576,0.9217,1.5237}; //--- array for storing the iMA indicator periods int MA[]={4,7,11,19,31,51,85}; //--- array for storing pointers to the iMA and iEnvelopes indicators int handle_MA[]; int handle_Envelopes[]; //--- market data datetime T[],prevTimeBar=0; double H[],L[]; #define HL(a, b) (a+b)/2 //--- class instances CEmission EnvMa(0,300); PointEmission pEmission; //--- drawing styles for points of emission #define COLOR_UPPER C'51,255,255' #define COLOR_LOWER C'0,51,255' #define COLOR_MA C'255,51,255' color colorPoint[]={COLOR_UPPER,COLOR_LOWER,COLOR_MA}; CodeColor styleUpper={158,COLOR_UPPER,SMALL}; CodeColor styleLower={158,COLOR_LOWER,SMALL}; CodeColor styleMA={158,COLOR_MA,SMALL}; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { ArraySetAsSeries(T,true); ArraySetAsSeries(H,true); ArraySetAsSeries(L,true); //--- int size=ArraySize(MA); ArrayResize(handle_MA,size); //--- create a pointer to the object - the iMA indicator for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { handle_MA[i]=iMA(NULL,0,MA[i],0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_MEDIAN); //--- if an error occurs when creating the object, print the message if(handle_MA[i]<0) { Print("The iMA object[",MA[i],"] has not been created: Error = ",GetLastError()); //--- forced program termination return(-1); } } //--- size=ArraySize(ENV); ArrayResize(handle_Envelopes,size); //--- create a pointer to the object - the iEnvelopes indicator for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { handle_Envelopes[i]=iEnvelopes(NULL,0,ma_period,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_MEDIAN,ENV[i]); //--- if an error occurs when creating the object, print the message if(handle_Envelopes[i]<0) { Print("The iEnvelopes object[",ENV[i],"] has not been created: Error = ",GetLastError()); //--- forced program termination return(-1); } } //--- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnDeinit(const int reason) { //--- } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick() { //--- market data CopyTime(NULL,0,0,2,T); CopyHigh(NULL,0,0,2,H); CopyLow(NULL,0,0,2,L); //--- fill the declared arrays with current values from all indicator buffers string name; uint GTC=GetTickCount(); //---- indicator buffers double ibMA[],ibMA1[]; // arrays for the iMA indicator double ibEnvelopesUpper[]; // array for the iEnvelopes indicator (UPPER_LINE) double ibEnvelopesLower[]; // array for the iEnvelopes indicator (LOWER_LINE) for(int i=ArraySize(handle_MA)-1; i>=0; i--) { if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(handle_MA[i],0,0,2,true,ibMA)) return; //--- for(int j=ArraySize(handle_Envelopes)-1; j>=0; j--) { if(!GetEnvelopesBuffers(handle_Envelopes[j],0,2,ibEnvelopesUpper,ibEnvelopesLower,true)) return; //--- find the intersection point of the iEnvelopes(UPPER_LINE) and iMA indicators pEmission=EnvMa.CalcPoint(ibEnvelopesUpper[1],ibEnvelopesUpper[0],ibMA[1],ibMA[0],T[0]); if(pEmission.real) // if the intersection point is found, draw it in the chart { name="iEnvelopes(UPPER_LINE)"+(string)j+"=iMA"+(string)i+(string)GTC; EnvMa.CreatePoint(name,pEmission,styleUpper); } //--- find the intersection point of the iEnvelopes(LOWER_LINE) and iMA indicators pEmission=EnvMa.CalcPoint(ibEnvelopesLower[1],ibEnvelopesLower[0],ibMA[1],ibMA[0],T[0]); if(pEmission.real) // if the intersection point is found, draw it in the chart { name="iEnvelopes(LOWER_LINE)"+(string)j+"=iMA"+(string)i+(string)GTC; EnvMa.CreatePoint(name,pEmission,styleLower); } } //--- for(int j=ArraySize(handle_MA)-1; j>=0; j--) { if(i!=j) { if(!CopyBufferAsSeries(handle_MA[j],0,0,2,true,ibMA1)) return; //--- find the intersection point of the iMA and iMA indicators pEmission=EnvMa.CalcPoint(ibMA1[1],ibMA1[0],ibMA[1],ibMA[0],T[0]); if(pEmission.real) // if the intersection point is found, draw it in the chart { name="iMA"+(string)j+"=iMA"+(string)i+(string)GTC; EnvMa.CreatePoint(name,pEmission,styleMA); } } } } //--- deletion of the graphical objects of emission not to stuff the chart if(T[0]>prevTimeBar) // delete once per bar { int total=ObjectsTotal(0,0,-1); prevTimeBar=T[0]; for(int obj=total-1;obj>=0;obj--) { string obj_name=ObjectName(0,obj,0,OBJ_TEXT); datetime obj_time=(datetime)ObjectGetInteger(0,obj_name,OBJPROP_TIME); if(obj_time<T[0]) ObjectDelete(0,obj_name); } Comment("Emission © DC Objects = ",total); } //--- }

我不会详细讲解此 EA 交易的每一个细节。这里要注意的主要就是标绘喷发,赫兹量化采用负责任何两条线交叉点的计算和显示的 CEmission 类实例。
