1000字范文 > adb logcat 保存_保存的logcat在Android设备上的文本文件

adb logcat 保存_保存的logcat在Android设备上的文本文件

时间:2022-04-07 18:36:29


adb logcat 保存_保存的logcat在Android设备上的文本文件

I had found some crashes while running the application in android device, which is not showing in emulator. So i need to save the Logcat in a text file in my device's memory or SD card. Could you please suggest me good method to do this?

解决方案adb shell logcat -t 500 > D:\logcat_output.txt

Go onto your terminal/command prompt and navigate to the folder with adb in it, if its not already added to your environmental variables and paste this command.

t is the number lines you need to view

D:\logcat_output.txt is where your logcat will get stored.
