1000字范文 > 日本明仁天皇希望退位


时间:2020-05-19 02:11:11



Japans Emperor Akihitohas strongly indicated he wants to step down, saying he fears hisage will make it difficult to fulfill his duties.日本明仁天皇强烈暗示希望退位,称担心自己年事已高,难以履行职责。

revered 82-year-old emperors comments came in only hissecond-ever televisedaddressto the public.Emperor Akihito did not explicitly say he wanted to abdicate as heis barred from making political statements.PM Shinzo Abe said the government would take the remarks"seriously" and discuss what could be done."Upon reflecting how he handles his official duty and so on, hisage and the current situation of how he works, I do respect theheavy responsibility the emperor must be feeling and I believe weneed to think hard about what we can do," he said.Akihito, who has had heartsurgeryand was treated for prostatecancer, has been on the throne in Japan since the death of hisfather, Hirohito, in 1989.In his 10-minute pre-recorded message, he said he had "started toreflect" on his years as emperor, and contemplate his position inthe years to come.英语新闻
