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高中英语美文欣赏 高中的英语美文阅读

时间:2020-12-30 11:59:38


高中英语美文欣赏 高中的英语美文阅读



Source of Energy

summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin, not on the Earth, but in theSun; in fact, at the Sun's very center. It is here that is to be found the source of the energythat the Sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat. This energy is liberated at thecenter of the Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide with each otherand fuse together to form nuclei of helium, and in doing so, release some of the energy that isstored in the nuclei of atoms. The output of light and heat of the Sun requires that some 600million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second. This the Sun hasbeen doing for several thousands of millions of years.The nuclear energy is released at theSun's center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like lightand radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength. This gamma radiation is absorbedby atoms inside the Sun to be reemitted at slightly longer wavelengths.This radiation, in itsturn is absorbed and reemitted. As the energy filters through the layers of the solar interior, itpasses through the X-ray part of the spectrum eventually becoming light. At this stage, ithas reached what we call the solar surface, and can escape into space without being absorbedfurther by solar atoms. A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in suchdirections that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.


概说生命的物理和化学特性必须始于太阳--确切地说,是太阳的核心,而非地球。 能量来自太阳的核心。 在这里,太阳不停地以光和热的形式向空间倾泻出能量。 数十亿计的氢原子核在太阳的核心碰撞并且聚变生成氦。 在此过程中一部分原本储存于原子核中的能量被释放出来。 太阳所产生的光和热需要每秒将六亿吨氢转化为氦。 这样的转化在太阳中已经持续几十亿年了。 核能在太阳的核心被释放为高能的伽马射线。 这是一种电磁射线,就象光波和无线电波一样,只是波长要短得多。 这种伽玛射线被太阳内的原子所吸收,然后重新释放为波长稍长一些的光波。 这新的射线再次被吸收,而后释放。 在能量由太阳内部一层层渗透出来的过程中,它经过了光谱中X 射线部分,最后变成了光。 在此阶段,能量到达我们所称的太阳表层,并且离散到空间而不再被太阳原子所吸收。 只有很小一部分太阳的光和热由此方向释放出来,并且未被阻挡,穿越星空,来到地球。



is a hard, transparent mineral. It is a compound of aluminum, silica, and fluorine.Gem topaz is valuable. Jewelers call this variety of the stone "precious topaz". The best-known precious topaz gems range in color from rich yellow to light brown or pinkish red.Topaz is one of the hardest gem minerals. In the mineral table of hardness, it has a rating of8, which means that a knife cannot cut it, and that topaz will scratch quartz.

golden variety of precious topaz is quite uncommon. Most of the world's topaz is whiteor blue. The white and blue crystals of topaz are large, often weighing thousands of carats. Forthis reason, the value of topaz does not depend so much on its size as it does with diamondsand many other precious stones,where the value increases about four times with each doublingof weight.The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality.But color is also important:blue topaz, for instance, is often irradiated to deepen and improve its color.

topaz is often sold as aquamarine and a variety of brown quartz is widely sold as topaz.The quartz is much less brilliant and more plentiful than true topaz. Most of it is a variety ofamethyst: that heat has turned brown.


黄水晶是一种坚硬、透明的矿物质。 它是铝、硅和氟的化合物。 黄水晶宝石价值不菲。珠宝商把这种石头称为"黄玉"。最出名的黄玉有各种颜色如深黄色、淡棕色、浅红色等。黄水晶是最坚硬的宝石矿中的一种。 在矿石硬度表上,它的硬度为 8,这表明刀子不能割开它而它可在石英上划痕。 金黄色的黄玉品种非常罕见。 世界上大多数的黄水晶是白色或蓝色的。 这些白色或蓝色的黄水晶晶体很大,常常有数千克拉重。 由于这个原因,黄水晶的价值不像钻石和许多其它宝石那样主要依赖于其大小,重量翻一番价值即上升约四倍。 黄水晶的价值很大程度上取决于其品质,但颜色也很重要。 举例来说,蓝色的黄水晶常需放射处理以加深和改善其颜色。 蓝色的黄水晶常被作为海蓝宝石出售,许多种棕色石英被当作黄水晶广为贩卖。 石英光亮度远小于黄水晶,矿藏储量也远较黄水晶丰富。 大多数石英是一种紫水晶,高温使其变为棕色。


War between Britain and France

the late eighteenth century, battles raged in almost every corner of Europe, as well as in theMiddle East,South Africa, the West Indies, and Latin America. In reality, however, there was onlyone major war during this time,the war between Britain and France. All other battles wereancillary to this larger conflict, and were often at least partially related to its antagonists'goals and strategies.France sought total domination of Europe.This goal was obstructed byBritish independence and Britain's efforts throughout the continent to thwart Napoleon;through treaties, Britain built coalitions (not dissimilar in concept to today's NATO)guaranteeing British participation in all major European conflicts. These two antagonists werepoorly matched, insofar as they had very unequal strengths: France was predominant on land,Britain at sea. The French knew that, short of defeating the British navy, their only hope ofvictory was to close all the ports of Europe to British ships.

Accordingly, France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination fromMoscow to Lisbon,from Jutland to Calabria.All of this entailed tremendous risk,because Francedid not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself andmaintain order at home.

strategists calculated that a navy of 150 ships would provide the force necessary todefeat the British navy. Such a force would give France a three-to-two advantage over Britain.This advantage was deemed necessary because of Britain's superior sea skills and technology,and also because Britain would be fighting a defensive war, allowing it to win with fewer forces.Napoleon never lost sight of his goal,because Britain represented the last substantialimpediment to his control of Europe. As his force neared that goal, Napoleon grewincreasingly impatient and began planning an immediate attack.


在 18 世纪后期,战争爆发于欧洲大陆的几乎每一个角落,在中东、南非、西印度群岛、拉丁美洲亦都是如此。 然而实际上,在这一时期只有一场主要的战争,那就是英法之间的战争。 所有其他战争都服从于这一更大的争端,至少是与这两个对手的目标和战略有某些关联。 法国力图统治整个欧洲,而英国的自主及其力图在整个欧洲大陆挫败拿破仑的种种努力都是法国实现这一目标的障碍。英国通过条约建立了联盟(和今天北约的概念没有什么不同)以保证英国插手所有欧洲的主要争端。 这两个对头并不是一对好对手,因为他们的力量极不均衡:法兰西在陆地上称王,英格兰则在海上称霸。 法国人明白,如果不能击败英国海军,他们胜利的唯一希望就是让欧洲的所有港口都对英国舰船关闭。 于是,法国将其军事占领从莫斯科延伸到里斯本,从尤特兰延伸到卡拉布里亚,企图以此来制服英国。 所有这些行动包含着巨大的风险,因为法国并不具备足够的军事资源,来控制这么多地盘,同时又能保护自己,维持国内的秩序。法国战略家们的算盘是,其海军若拥有 150 艘军舰,则将足以击跨英国海军。 这样的武力将使法国对英国具有3 比2 的优势。这种优势被认为是必不可少的,因为英国人具有超群的海上技能和技术,并且打的是一场防御战争,使它能以少胜多。 拿破仑从未忘却他的目标,因为英国是他统治全欧的最后一个重大的障碍。 随着他的力量越来越靠近这个目标,拿破仑变得越来越不耐烦起来,开始策划立即攻击。






