1000字范文 > 英文简历必备描述个人基本情况的说法简短 简历中英语水平描述(四篇)

英文简历必备描述个人基本情况的说法简短 简历中英语水平描述(四篇)

时间:2024-01-16 18:57:18


英文简历必备描述个人基本情况的说法简短 简历中英语水平描述(四篇)



年 龄: 22

户口所在: 江门

国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚

民 族: 汉族

培训认证: 未参加

身 高: 160 cm

诚信徽章: 未申请

体 重: 45 kg

人才测评: 未测评


人才类型: 在校学生


工作年限: 1 职 称: 初级

求职类型: 实习

可到职日期: 两个星期

月薪要求: 1500--2000

希望工作地区: 广州,,

中国齿材汇 起止年月:-03 ~ -03

公司性质: 股份制企业


担任职位: 翻译员

工作描述: 在琶洲展馆3月份的口腔医疗器材展馆做翻译员


东莞茂瑞电子厂 起止年月:-01 ~ -02

公司性质: 股份制企业 所属行业:电子技术/半导体/集成电路

担任职位: qc

工作描述: 在每条容纳78人的流水生产线上,负责最后把关,即产品质量检测。


碧桂园桃园阁韩国料理餐厅 起止年月:-07 ~ -09

公司性质: 外商独资 所属行业:餐饮业

担任职位: 服务员

工作描述: 在家乡江门市的新会碧桂园里面的韩国料理餐厅做了两个暑假的兼职,分别是和的暑假工。老板是韩国人,来的客人有比较多的是外国人。


番禺镇义工联 起止年月:-12 ~ -05

担任职位: 义工

工作描述: 在培智学校做义工,教智障的小朋友读书学习。

广州亚组委 起止年月:-10 ~ -12

担任职位: 赛会志愿者

工作描述: 在的广州亚运会和亚残会做志愿者







广州市红十字会 起止年月:-10 ~ -10

担任职位: 志愿者

工作描述: 在大学第一学期参加了广州市红十字会志愿服务队,其中,积极参与募捐4月的“西南旱灾”筹款募捐活动、10月的香江义工——中华红丝带健康包项目、艾滋病知识宣传和无偿献血等有意义的活动。

毕业院校: 广东女子职业技术学院

最高学历: 大专 获得学位: 毕业日期: -06

专 业 一: 中英文秘书 专 业 二: 商务英语(专升本)

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

-09 - 广东女子职业技术学院 中英文秘书 - -

外语: 英语 优秀

粤语水平: 精通


国语水平: 优秀









basic information

name: biographical notes

date of birth :1980-10-25

sex: male

marital status: unmarried

height: cm

weight: kg

job intentions

for job applicants: sales manager / assistant manager / director, sales engineer, marketing manager / deputy manager, marketing / marketing planning

job description: marketing, administrative assistant, assistant manager work experience: 2 years expect a monthly salary :2000-4000

educational background

graduate school: beijing jiaotong university

highest level of education: undergraduate

profession: information management and information system

computer level: a good foreign language: english language: good

education course

2001-, beijing jiaotong university, school of economics and management of information management and information systems students


1..7-.9: complete biological group anhui assistant office manager. anhui province to assist managers in the management of sales channels, through the joint efforts of all the office staff to make sales to grow by 5% over the same period the previous year;

2.2002.7-2002.9: guangdong electric gate co., ltd. sichuan venus sales representative. carried out in sichuan electric retractable door sales, and real estate company to contact.

3.2000.1-2000.12: sichuan, the british construction company lee, assistant sales manager. to assist the sales manager for real estate planning and post-sales

4.2002.09-.01: 201 in beijing calling card sales channels of construction and implementation, with the upper reaches of the successful cooperation between distributors

personal ability and self-evaluation

i am stable character, good work in learning teamwork, can bear hardships, the sense of responsibility, innovation, learning ability, with a keen sense of observation, on the environment has a >





②英语地址写法应遵循由小到大的原则,正好与中文的反过来,先写××房间,××号,然后再写××路,××市,邮编,××省,国名。邮编的标准写法是放在市名之后,也可以放在省名之后,但一定要放在china之前。 ③把求职意向写得明确一些,让招聘人员明白你正在寻找什么职位。也可以紧跟着证明自己能够胜任这份工作的能力和资格。④简历栏目不宜过多,一般不超过五个,否则显得凌乱。在所学课程之下,罗列相关课程,如这里列出市场营销、管理学、商务英语等课程,能从增强阅读者对求职者的立体感。⑤⑥⑦是工作经验部分,遵循从最近工作经验写起的原则。在经历描述中,有详有略,最近经历要重点阐述,用人单位最感兴趣的是你目前正在做的,对于过去,兴趣会降低许多;相关经历要多写。⑤与目标职位最为接近,要对照目标职位的描述挖掘曾经做过的工作;⑥展示了英文水平;而⑦说明人际交流和沟通能力。每个工作描述所展示的技能都与目标职位息息相关。⑧根据任职要求有针对性地罗列技能,包括语言、计算机技能。张源在简历中没有提到自己的中文水平,比较遗憾。另外提到日语会话能力,增色不少。⑨在与张源沟通后发现的较有特色的兴趣爱好及特长。不具体的爱好和特长不写,以免在简历中留下话柄,面试中将会陷自己于不利的境地。例如,一般人喜欢说自己爱好读书、旅游、音乐等,假如面试官也是个音乐爱好者,与你攀谈起来,就露馅了。张源喜欢弹吉他和跳健美操,曾作为领队带领健美操队在校年度晚会上表演过,这一点使形象更加丰满。



thank you for interview i

dear (bosss name),

i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the

position of (job title) with (company name).

i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the

job. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and

the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. from ourdiscussion,i gained a >

1985-present leyner corporation,lake charles,la

industrial engineer

provide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly (pwa) and subsystem assembly (ssa) areas.

purchase capital ace with vendors. justify expenditures.

design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.

program automatic equipment.

write process sheets and rework procedures.

recommend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.

implement design ate methods and process improvements.

troubleshoot disposition or rejection of material.

provide assistance to all other departments.

1984 prudence d. mcharrison laboratory,ruston,la

conducted variety of tests including ,and creep tests on molded parts.

responsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,and microscopic analysis.

designed tools and fixtures for instron machine.

1982/83 duchess components,baton rouge,la

molding room attendant,1983

operated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.

maintained records on inventory,loss of material,and quality control.

machine shop attendant,1982

operated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.

read blueprints.

loyola university at new orleans,college of engineering,new orleans,la

bachelor of science degree in industrial technology,1985

minor concentration in computer science.

member,society of manufacturing engineers,leaner management club certified manufacturing technologist and solderer.

purchasing supervisor


·excellent material planning and purchasing skills.

·outstanding supplier base development and management capability.

·master of mrp.

·valuable inventory control experience and skills.

name: stella li gender:female date of birth:august 23th,1975

martial status:married email address:stellali@

tel:(010)67183945-7869 mobile phone:13911216789

08/1999 - 08/1999 xxxx technology co., ltd purchasing supervisor

·mainly engaged in supplier approval, rating and development and supplier management.

·supervising a team to perform purchasing activities and tracking their performance.

·leading the local sourcing in china and driving the on-going cost reduction plan.

·ensuring the supply pipeline to maintain the production, while the inventory is under control.

·purchasing procedure and value-added process implementation.

·be sensitive to the worldwide supply market and identify potential supply risks from vendors and take action accordingly.

1997/02 - 1999/07 xxxx senior purchaser

·vendor selection and development, price & terms negotiation and allocation update.

·on-going cost reduction with vendors via raw material price negotiation, vendor product cost composition analysis and other source benchmarking, to meet/exceed target.

·material supply assurance & inventory control.

·vendor performance evaluation and quality improvement.

as i perfectly controlled the material quality and delivery time,the sales department was >

01/07/1996 jiangsu university of science and technology, zhenjiang, china

automobile and tracker design and manufacture bachelor

computer auto cad, lotus notes user


英文简历 | 英文简历模板 | 英文自我介绍 | 英语求职信 | 英语自我介绍

药品相关法规及市场调研 市场策略 工作目标及计划

l research of medicine-related regulation and study of marketing affairs, as well as responsible for marketing strategy and scheming of work objectives and plans.


l conduct registry work for company’s major product being exported into chinese market.

策划 实施大型产品发布会 行业展览 产品演示等市场拓展活动

l scheme and conduct market development activities of big-sized product release show, exhibition within the trade, and product roadshows etc.

构筑全国范围内同大学院校 科研机构的技术合作交流网络

l had built a technical cooperation network with some colleges and universities all over the nation and with a few technical research institutions.

