1000字范文 > 表达心情不好的说说句子 简短走心 送给心累的人

表达心情不好的说说句子 简短走心 送给心累的人

时间:2019-02-11 23:24:55


表达心情不好的说说句子 简短走心 送给心累的人


Sometimes I feel very tired all of a sudden, this kind of tired is not temporary, it may be long-standing, this time I don want to talk, more don want to move, also don need others comfort and company, just want to be alone quietly.


In fact, most of the time, it is not that I don want to tell my grievances, but I have understood a sentence: "In this world, not all the pain and grievances can be shouted out".


Maybe suffering is the price we pay for growing up, or the process by which we become secular and heartless.


Before I think as long as cover your eyes, then the tears will not flow down, but later I found that the original cover your eyes, also can not prevent the flood of tears, like cover your heart, but it is still so painful.


When I was young, I thought I could speak my mind to others, but later I grew up to know that some things grievance and tears, you can only swallow their own stomach, slowly digestion, better than to speak out others do not understand, but scold you melodramatic to all right!


In fact, now I am not very lost, nor angry or sad, I just feel that I am a little tired, tired of everything, I am tired of why pay so much, but the return is always so little.


Later, we grew up, we finally really understand the "put down", most of the time, we learn to put down is not that we have changed, but that we really have been unable to do anything about the world, is to admit defeat, is also toss about, want to escape.


Then you habitually break down late at night, and you habitually learn to heal yourself, over and over again, over and over again, with no one to care.


Perhaps a lot of things before, now look back, found that it was just so, but I clearly remember, at that time, How I was a person, through the dark days.


Conclusion: Later don put their enthusiasm to others casually, also don put their cheerful smile hidden in the bottom of my heart, more don insist on those shouldn insist, so really will let yourself become very tired!



