1000字范文 > 毕业季温柔的文案句子 都要成为更好的人 这是新的约定!

毕业季温柔的文案句子 都要成为更好的人 这是新的约定!

时间:2019-09-08 00:31:49


毕业季温柔的文案句子 都要成为更好的人 这是新的约定!

1. 春去极晚,夏来极迟,祝我们毕业快乐。

Spring is very late, summer is very late, I wish us a happy graduation.

2. 瞬即逝的相逢与离别,每一个瞬间,都要珍惜。

Fleeting meet and leave, every moment, we should cherish.

3. 那就分道扬镳说再见 带一身荣耀再相见说好久不见。

Lets go our separate ways and say goodbye. Lets meet again with all our glory and say goodbye for a long time.

4. 天很蓝,风很热,期待我们下一次相遇。

The sky is very blue, the wind is very hot, looking forward to our next meeting.

5. 你看这年夏一年 春光不趁早 冬霜不会迟到相聚别离都是刚刚好。

You see, its just right for us to get together and leave if we don have spring and summer as early as possible and winter frost as late as possible.

6. 曾经的毕业季我们是看客,如今的毕业季我们是主角。

We used to be spectators in the graduation season, but now we are the protagonists in the graduation season.

7. 聚是一团火,散是满天星,祝我们前程似锦,顶峰相见。

Gather is a fire, scatter is all over the sky star, wish us a bright future, summit meet.

8. 夏日不老,成长万岁,不必回头,为岁月干杯。

Summer is not old, long live growth, do not have to look back, cheers for the years.

9. 让我们好好道个别吧,和课桌黑板,操场食堂,和吹过教室走廊的最后那一阵风,和那某一段一去不回的青春。

Lets say goodbye to the blackboard, the playground, the canteen, the last gust of wind blowing through the classroom corridor, and the youth that never comes back.
