1000字范文 > 被人秒赞的说说句子 高冷有气质 适合女生做个签名

被人秒赞的说说句子 高冷有气质 适合女生做个签名

时间:2021-09-13 07:21:57


被人秒赞的说说句子 高冷有气质 适合女生做个签名


Think blindfolded, can not see the world; I thought if I covered my ears, I wouldn hear all my worries. Thought footsteps stopped, the heart can not go far; I thought all I needed was a hug.


An umbrella does not belong to me, I would rather walk in the rain; I don keep whats not mine,


You can love a person in the dust, but no one loves you in the dust. Even if you are nice to him, you will only touch yourself. Its better to love yourself.


I may not meet a girl who will accompany me to suffer. I can only bear it alone, but I can bear it alone.


Of course, I know that everyone changes, and I never thought that you would always be the same, but when I felt that you were different from me, I couldn help being secretly sad for a long time.


Some stories don have to be told to everyone, some sadness doesn have to be understood by everyone. Id rather keep it to myself and never speak of it again.


Remembering the whole relationship is like watching a movie. Two people from strange to familiar, from sweet to plain, and then to indifference. When you see the process, you want to change things, but you find theres nothing you can do.


Sometimes, I suddenly feel lonely. No one understands you, no one is with you. Occasionally crazy, also noisy, as if not adapted to the world.


You can only live the life you want by walking the road you have to walk. Some roads, you have to walk alone. Its not loneliness, its choice. Life is a fierce battle. Whether its a painkiller or a slap in the face, practice courage alone, no one else. The road of life is long and colorful. I learn to laugh in the sun, learn to be strong in the clouds. I clung to hope in the gale.


See a person why exposed, hate a person why turned. In life, there are always people who don like us, just like others don like us.
