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网上很火的说说句子 精辟有内涵 读读收获很多

时间:2020-11-14 18:29:09


网上很火的说说句子 精辟有内涵 读读收获很多


You have your life, and I have mine. Each others care andblessing can only turn into the world of mortals far away, we can notbe together, can not love each other.


Those countless silent and helpless nights, those will I andaround the isolation of loneliness, I far smell the breath of thesea, far sucking noisy memories.


Time is not old, we can not escape. Because I don want to go. Ineed to stay, okay? Too close will hurt yourself, too far away, cannot forget. Remember, Im there to watch over you...


Looking at the distance elongated by the thread, when can I reachthe other side of the dream? If separate hearts, whose fingertip isthe red line of love? Looking back at the corner of the world ofmortals, left two heart traces? Who is the young lady in that oldstreet wandering for?


Who is waiting hopelessly for whom, and who will leave whombehind? Who is persistent lonely for whom, who will return tonothingness? A broken ruler can not measure the distance of acacia,corners of the mouth embellished in the night sky I miss yourheart...


Time is so heartless, it silently took you out of my life. Ithought you were only a short time away from me, but now I know thatthe two of us are lonely, that we are deeply separated by fate. Yougo north, Ill go south.


Ive always thought of myself as a very rational personemotionally. I can hold size, I know how to measure distance, but Ilose my heart and soul before you. Is that what you call emotion? Idon know, I really don know, I just know this feeling isbeautiful and sweet, I can give up and unforgettable.


On a lonely night, I think of you like this. I looked up at thesky and cried, but the two brightest stars were separated by anuntouchable distance. Did the shooting star remind you of thatmoment? Can the clouds bring your words? How I would like to invitethe moon to share my light with you, to melt my tenderness with wine?How I want to sleep in your body, I can dream.


At first, I didn want to infiltrate your life. I only take youas a gift of fate, but just when I thought I could keep aninseparable distance from you, suddenly you tell me that you willleave forever.
